Lets mark the past 6 weeks as a MAJOR FAIL.
When I proclaimed it to the world that I was skinny fat and gave myself 6 weeks to do something about it, I did not see it ending this way.

Feb 17th Mar 24th

Feb 17th Mar 24th
I can totally throw out the fact that Girl Scout cookies fall into this 6 week period, but to blame the those innocent children would be wrong.
I bought a DVD, new sneakers, and got my husband into it. But did I follow up, NO. Life is full of triumphs and failures. I am trying not to be hard on myself about this. And looking at the next 6 weeks as my redemption time. I can do it. I know I can.
I leave you frustrated, annoyed, and any other adjective you can think of about this.
But still hopeful.
See you back in 6 weeks.
Random side note I am hosting a giveaway for store credit over on my GF Lindsay's blog
dan you, girl scouts! ha!
i'm in the same battle, though i'm more 'larger fat' than 'skinny fat'. so high five to you already! :)
I blame the girl scout cookies for most of my problems :)
you might want to start that diet next week, you are attending a rodriguez family event this weekend which means much food, drink and isn't there supposed to be a "candy" table at the event as well?
I blame the girl scout cookies.
Wanna know how far I am with my Couch to 5K workout I started in January? I just repeated week 1 again last night. So, there ya go.
Hmmmm... girl scout cookies... totally can relate and feel your pain ;)
I ate my girl scout cookies in less than a week. I justified it by thinking I better hurry up and eat them so they don't linger and torment me for weeks. And I think you still look good!
I blasted myself into a girl scout coma the day they came so they wouldn't tempt me for multiple days or weeks. I'm still holding onto my skinny fat also.. but am on day 4 of Jillian Michael's, 6 weeks to a 6 pk ab DVD workout. I'm whining the entire time, but I'm doing it. Finally. I too have had nothing by failure the past 6 weeks. How can it be 6 weeks already?? What DVD did you get? I love me some Jillian yelling at me, but one of these days, I may throw my hand weight into the tv, just sayin'!
GO GIRL!!! We can do this! (I HAVE to as I will need to be in a swimming suit on a cruise in about 10 weeks.) We're calling it Ship Shape!
This is exactly what I see in the mirror. I thought I could at least handle 10 minutes of abs every day. But instead, I end up with two toddlers crawling all over me. Good luck.
I blame the girl scouts... they are one of the best marketing methods! Who can turn a sweet little girl with delicious cookies away?
You are so inspiring to me! You are so brave to be honest with us readers! Good luck in the next six weeks! I am going to take your six week challenge and force myself to start working out again! (However... I don't think I am brave enough to put the pictures online :P)
Shake what ya mama gave ya....
Awww! I'm on the same boat! I want to get back to my regular clothes again...
Did you consider the "cookie diet"? That's what I'm on, but I don't use the cookies people say, I just eat whatever cookies I want.
I kinda think that you look great and just so you know, Girl Scout Cookies are the devils treat (at least that's what I tell myself) =) We have a house full because my daughter just had to be Daisy this year :)
Good Luck on your next 6 weeks!! I will be right there with you!
dude just wait till i have this baby and then we can make all kinds of crazy weight loss claims together. until then, enjoy the cookies. i know i am.
I'm so glad it's not just me!!!!
don't beat yourself up. you look fabulous.
look im "fat fat" so i think u look fab, but we all need to feel good in our own skin so im giving myself a 6wks too to do some serious lifestyle changes...thanx for the motivation ;)
yeah, you'll total do it (even though you look fab!)!!! if it makes you feel any better, i've been a work out junkie for the last two months and haven't lost a pound! i'm definitely stronger, but is that really anyone's goal when starting a workout plan? :-)
i think you look fantastic! i really need to get my butt in gear and lose the rest of this baby weight....he's three months old now! and your kiddos are the cutest little duo i've ever seen. i'm amelie522 on instagram, and i am so happy to have found your blog. i can't wait to buy stuff from your etsy store, too!
Hey, lady, I thought not being pregnant would keep the urge down for girl scout cookies this year - I was wrong! Dang those thin mints, dang them.
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