This little girl loves I mean really loves her Daddy.

The other night at dinner Buggie was talking about wearing make-up {she has play makeup which she is not allowed to wear out of the house}.
She said that it makes her pretty.
Without hesitation her Daddy grabbed her hand, put his head
down so they were eye level and said
"Buggie you NEVER NEVER EVER need makeup to make you look pretty,
because you are beautiful without it."
Heart melting.
Okay tear!! Oh my word. Melts my heart!
That is so precious and true! She's a cutie pie!
that's too sweet!! :)
aww, what a great daddy! your a lucky woman:)
That just made me cry!?! That was so sweet- every little girl needs to hear that:)
Buggie is a blessed girl with a papa who will build her up to be her own, independent, beautiful woman. Reading his words of affirmation brought tears to my eyes immediately. My baby girl has a papa who would say the very same thing and ya know what? I KNOW that we as the mothers of these girls are just as blessed - we have found quality men. :)
what a great Daddy Bear!
what a GORGEOUS shot and priceless memorY!
she's beautifuL!
Seriously brought tears to my eyes. So sweet. <3
sweet daddy.
he should have also said, and also, "the same goes with slutty clothes". i mean, it wouldn't have been as sweet but i think she would have got the point.
aww love this! everything about this... the picture and the story. melt my heart!
so sweet. all of it. picture and the words from daddy.
such a great shot!
beautiful picture and post too.
good daddy.
heart in puddles - very nice
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