
Saturday, January 7, 2012

My favorite photo of 2011 {The Paper Mama Challenge}

When I read The Paper Mama's challenge for the week, my first thought was *phesh* I know
exactly which photo was my favorite from 2011.
Then I went to find it and came across at least 50 more that I thought *phesh* thats my favorite, no this one, oh man but I really like this one.
I guess this will happen when you take at least 15 photos a day.
So lets do the math if I average 15 photos a day x 365 days = an OBSCENE amount of photos.

Here is the one I settled on...

{taken with my phone}

A moment when Buggie was doing her thing and Bean was on the sidelines cheering her on.
I love how it captures a single moment.
Not one of them posed, sitting pretty, and holding hands.
Just them being who they are my fun, loving, carefree kiddies.
And for the cherry on top it is at our beach.
The same exact sandy shoreline that has been our families spot for 5 generations.
My great grandparents owned a little motel right here, so my kids are now the 5th generation to play in this little stretch of the Gulf of Mexico.
And just the thought of it gives me goosebumps.
So yes this is my favorite photo I took in 2011.

The Paper Mama


Love Being A Nonny said...

That picture, the memories...speaks volumes! That's what a favorite picture should do! Love it!

Chocolate Cat said...

Great photo and even more special to you with the story behind it!

Mycharmingcolors said...

seriously the sweetest picture, I love how your kids just love being around each other, I hope thats a bond that lasts their entire lifetime and one that will only grow stronger with each passing year they know each other

christina said...

so sweet! ive missed your posts. think of you often and hope all is well. happy new year momma!

Jachele Leodory said...

They say that a portrait is worth a thousand words, and true to that, the photo speaks volumes! This is a priceless picture. The calm beach and the fun moment captured in the photo make it so dramatic and picturesque. Your kids are so cute! By the way, I love their unique names! ;)