My Dad has always been such an amazing force in my life.
Someone to cheer me on, give advice, and to encourage me when I need it most.
He is an honest, caring, driven role model.
I am proud to call him Dad and even more proud for my babies to call him Abuelo.

He is pretty funny too.
{Bean and his Abuelo}
Link with Em on Thursdays, all the cool kids do it.
What a good Dad you have, he looks like he's fun!
Oh my gosh..... VERY cool pics :)
Grandfathers are very precious. :)
Oh, I LOVE this post! The pictures are so sweet. I love that he looks so happy with a baby in his lap then and now:) What a great guy!
Your dad looks like a hoot! Loving the one of you too.
i remember that picture well. i miss grandma & grandpa's beach house...good times
taking a trip in the way-back machine. LOVE it! <3
sweet photos! :)
I love this. Grandpa's rock.
Awesome dad/granpa's are the best!! Love your pictures!
I LOVE the pic of you w/your pops. The green door. The smile on his face. The cold brewsky. Classic picture. I hope it's in a frame somewhere.
awe great pics!!
SUCH sweet pictures! so precious to have that pic with your daddy!
What's amazing to me other than the fact how much I love my children and grandchildren, is that my hairstyle hasn't changed since 1979 only the color has. Oh I may have been a few pounds lighter then also.
Love Dad
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