
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

One Day Without Shoes {With a Toms Shoes Giveaway}

A few months back I held an adoption shower for a friend.
And instead of gifts she had asked us to bring items that they were in need of
at the orphanage in Ethiopia.
Do you know the number one thing on the list?

Check out this video.

The challenge is pretty simple.
So how about it One day, today no shoes?

Leave me a comment telling me what you are doing today without shoes and
you are entered to win one of THREE $50 gc I am giving away today!
You must follow my blog.

{extra entry if you entered my Boba Carrier giveaway}

This giveaway is open to US only. Sorry.
Please note this is not hosted by Toms, it all me baby.
Open until midnight today Apr 5th.

Are you in on the Swag Swap Week?
Check it.


Rebecca said...

Today I woke up without shoes on and got ready for work barefoot. I used to love running across my parents gravel driveaway barefoot when I was younger...I think it was kind of to show off how "tough" I was. :)

Rebecca said...

I entered the Boba Carrier Giveaway as well!

Rachel said...


Sure things I am doing today: I am going to a prayer meeting at 7 am at a community college,

having lunch with some family and friends,

and going to bible study at my Pastor's house.

Jackie said...

I have never heard of one day without shoes until today. And today I am at work and will go without my shoes!
Thank you for sharing this incredible opportunity with all of us!

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower. Today, I'm doing everything without shoes. I'm a SAHM, but I have errands to run so I'll be running them without shoes.

fromthebriarpatch [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

I also entered the Boba Carrier giveaway.

fromthebriarpatch [at] gmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

Today I have already helped my husband load up his car without shoes {man our driveway is bumpy}
and I will be playing with the dog and baby without them all day :)

{I am a follower}
mcdancingfeet at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

And I entered your Boba carrier giveaway.

mcdancingfeet at gmail dot com


I am ALWAYS at home without Shoes, but today when I run my errands...I will be doing it without shoes.

Brooke said...

I LOVE the TOMS day without shoes. Today I am working on my garden and refinishing chairs without shoes!


I entered the Boba carrier giveaway yesterday!!!

domestik8d said...

I am a follower via GCF.

Today I will go without shoes in my home, in my garden, in the car & at my parents' house. Maybe I'll make it all day..


domestik8d said...

I entered the Boba carrier giveaway too.

Anonymous said...

it might seem silly, but i'm sitting in my office without shoes. oh, and later, i'll do my wii workout without shoes. :-)

mark rodriguez said...

i spend almost everyday without shoes, the beauty of working from home. i often take showers without shoes too...oh, i did NOT enter the Boba carrier giveaway yesterday cause my girls are waaaaay to big for that thing

Anonymous said...

I am mostly hanging out around the house today cleaning. I will drive out to pick my husband up after work barefoot.

aprilkek at verizon dot net

Anonymous said...

I entered the boba giveaway (I really hope I win it!)

aprilkek at verizon dot net

H is for Hillman said...

I don't think my first comment went through, it said there was an error. But if it does go ahead and delete one!

I will be working in my garden barefoot today!

lesleyzellers said...

This is my second day without shoes. It's so hard and really gets you thinking. I'm preparing myself for the odd looks I'll get at the grocery store in a bit!

Anonymous said...

I'm spending my entire day without shoes. Work, the gas station, the post office...

Unknown said...

I won't be going outside today at all - it's only 35 degrees here in Michigan, but I can be shoeless in my house!

BriBedell said...

I will be doing dishes and cleaning my house with no shoes on today!!!

cami said...

It's a coooooold morning in Minnesota, but I'm remaining true to the challenge and have NaKeD feet! I will even free my toesies off for this cause by going outdoors to play with the dog, run errands and pick kids up from school. It's an important day! :)

felicia said...

It's wet and rainy here in VA but nothing feels better than warm spring rain on barefeet. We love TOMS! And love them even more because of the One for One

Mandy England said...

I adore TOMS and their mission... such an awesome organization [and I'm so sure they make the cutest shoes too]. Mostly I will be barefoot around my house today... but I will also be shoeless when I meet a friend at Jimmy Johns for lunchies. [btw, I follow your blog]

Mandy England said...

I entered the Boba giveaway too! :]

Megan C said...

I didn't hear about this until this morning when I got to work. I am a teacher and right now is my conference period so I took off my shoes to relax. Considering I have to stay in dress code I will be putting them back on but as soon as I get in my car, off my shoes go!!!! No more for the rest of the day!!!!

The Armstrong Family said...

I entered the Boba giveaway!

Megan said...

I follow via GFC
I love TOMS and everything they stand for!
I will be blogging barefoot as well as cleaning and painting barefoot today!!

The Armstrong Family said...

I will be doing all of my evening routine without shoes...dishes, cooking, bath time, etc. What an amazing way to recognize a heartbreaking situation!

felicia said...

I entered the boba giveaway

Kristina said...

I'll be at home taking care of my kiddos. Maybe walking to the mail box, but not too sure about that one. It's chilly outside so I may not take the kids outside today.

Kristina said...

I entered the Boba give away.

Jami Nato said...

luckily, i'm a hermit... so i'm hanging here today.

Ashley L said...

I will be doing a major job barefoot today, caring for my 2 kids. Will be trying my best to avoid the toy bombs all over the floor!

ashleypelaski at gmail d0t com

Ellen said...

Oh i would love me some TOMS!!! Today, i am donating blood, and going barefoot...of course! :)

Ashley L said...

I joined you boba giveway!

Ellen said...

I entered the boba giveaway!

Candice @ Made With Love said...

I've been working from home, so I'm blogging barefoot and sewing barefoot today. Thank you for this opportunity!

Anonymous said...

I never wear shoes at home, so I'll be doing everything from housework to just lounging! I am a follower!

ashleyo_44 said...

My students think I'm crazy, but I'm walking around my classroom without shoes...

deangirlnj said...

right now we are dancing in the living room barefoot to Bubble Guppies We Totally Rock!

Blanca said...

I happily follow your blog! :)

I'll be doing lots of cleaning at home with no shoes and maybe hitting the beach!

Thank you!

Blanca said...

I also entered your Boba carrier giveaway! Thank you. Thank you! :)

Gina said...

Well...I have been barefoot so far... I promise I will coach tonight barefoot, but, I need to wear something form here to the gym...It's snowing!!!!! Xoxo

Craft That Party said...

shoes are off and I am cleaning the house :)

Craft That Party said...

I also entered your Boba carrier giveaway.

Amanda said...

I'll be barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen today. (And probably outside some playing with my #1.) Thanks for the giveaway!!! (I'm already a follower.)

Jennifer said...

No shoes at the park today for this mama :) Love the sparkly toms!

Linda said...

I can't go without my shoes at work, except when sitting at my desk I will for sure tuck them neatly away to join the cause. After work you will find me cleaning up, painting and crafting all barefoot and happy to be that way! The girls at my house have spent considerable time lately trying to decide what Toms we are gonna try first. Love them all!

Joy said...

Well, does feeding the baby while I walk around the house barefoot count :)

Cat said...

Gotta hit the library and do some gardening and cooking, sans shoes of course.

Jennifer said...

I also entered the boba giveaway

deangirlnj said...

just read the update.... mama you rock!!

michaela @ m.jane said...

i'm at work.
with my shoes off.
good thing my socks match today.

Leonora said...

amy this is WONDERFUL! 3?!?!?! gaaah you go girl!

well I work at corporate america and they kinda frown upon toesies being exposed BUT the second I get home I shall be kicking off the uggs and cooking some dinnah in the footie flesh.

Anonymous said...

Today I will be gardening, sweeping and mopping, and hanging with the kiddos without shoes. Thanks for the giveaway!! What a good reminder for us, what it's like everyday for kids in other countries.

You rock!! And TOMS rocks too!

Michele said...

no shoes for me, pulling the trash/recycling cans out to the curb this morning proved to be interesting! I have plans to go to the grocery store a little later today - it should be fun to see how well enforced the "no shoes, no service" signage is...I think I'll bring some flip flops just in case ;-)

Wifecon said...

I'm a SAHM so most days are spent without shoes on. However, today, I will make sure everyone in the family is shoeless, including the Hubs who works from home. You will see me cleaning the house barefoot today and running after my barefoot 11-month old.

Melissa (Punkin Threads) said...

Love Love Love these pics!!! I so want to take off my shoes, but you see, i'm sitting at my desk, I have to-the-knee boots on, and a skirt. And the socks I have under said boots are mid calf socks with holes and the perfect clashing purple to not match my purple top. So when I get home at 6pm after work, shoes off (and pajamas on as usual)!

Anonymous said...

I entered the BOBA giveaway too!

Michele said...

I've also entered your boba carrier giveaway.

christina said...

luckily i will be hanging home with the kiddo's, good thing cuz we still have snow in the driveway.

JG said...

Yup, barefoot today! What a great giveaway idea!

Amanda O'Banion said...

I just bought my first pair of TOMS this past week and I am loving them! I love anything that has a good cause and the more research I'm doing on this company the more impressed I am. For today's One Day Without Shoes event I am going barefoot after I get off work. That will mean going on date night with the hubby without shoes on. We'll see how it goes. I'm sure I will get lots of questions! Thanks for sponsoring such a great giveaway!

Simply Mily said...

Hi I'm a follower and I won't be leaving the house today but I'll do the usual take the dog out, play with babygirl, clean, attempt to exercise w/out shoes...I just heard about this yesterday through a friend!! Such a great cause and a great giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm not wearing any shoes today....or showering ;) but what's new ;)

Anonymous said...

i entered the boba giveaway!

Eva said...

This is my second year participating in the day without shoes, and I LOVE TOMS! Today I'm at work and later I'm going to Bible study. :) Thanks for promoting today!

Lindsay - Pen and Paint said...

What the WHAT?
Today we painted without shoes and played outside in the dirt and chilly weather without shoes...
fun for the boys, not fun for the mama, but it counts b/c we are participating in the little way we can.

Lela Hartsaw said...

I am barefoot, by choice, 99% of the time. I am lucky that this is a choice. When I do wear shoes, I choose them based, first on comfort, then on style. There again, I am SO LUCKY to have the CHOICE.

Today, I CHOOSE to remain barefoot (although I thought it was ILLEGAL in the state of Florida to drive without shoes... It apparently isn't. Did you know that?) Again, I am lucky I live in a state where the temperature (and the law) permits bare feet. ;^)

LeAnna said...

New follower! I just heard about the no-shoes thing today. It's amazing how we take shoes for granted. I go without them the majority of the day, anyway. Crazy how we live with our many choices, and complain if even the slightest one is taken away.

LittleGreenThread said...

Well, because I'm a SAHM, I'm just hanging out at home with my kids today :)

LeAnna said...

I'm entered in your Boba carrier giveaway!

LittleGreenThread said...

I entered your other giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I am working (from home) without shoes!

Kim said...

sewing barefoot today!

LeAnn said...

I am working in my office today! Barefoot :o)

LeAnn said...

Entered the Boba giveaway!

Kelsey said...

Well, if it was Friday I could say flying to Nashville from Kenai, Alaska, but alas, it's just Tuesday, so today I will walk outside in the fresh snow to take the dog out. That's ambition enough, right?! I have a little adopted cousin from Ethiopia, or "Pia" as he says. This issue is close to my heart :)

emily anderson said...

seriously? do i even have to tell you how bad i want to win one of these gift certificates? it would make my day...week...maybe even year.

kellyann said...

I am parading around town today proudly barefoot in Dallas, TX, spreading the word today about the cause if anyone asks. I am also taking a half hour of my day to sit down and genuinely pray for those without shoes, that they may be blessed with a pair after this wonderful cause is spread by word of foot and mouth today by all of the wonderful people who participate. :) xoxo

Whitney said...

I am at home making Easter crafts with my girls shoes of course ;)

Brooke said...

new follower to your blog. walking to and from the copier without shoes - hoping my boss doesn't notice/care!

Angela said...

I am sitting outside enjoying warmish weather (finally!) No shoes!

rachel porter said...

just started following your blog and today i am at home with my little, but will be heading to the park :)

Unknown said...

I am barefoot today! Love toms and the word they spread for children around the world.
Thanks for this fabulous giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

I entered the boba giveaway too! You are awesome, girl!!

Alison said...

I'm sitting in my office at work right now with no shoes! This is an awesome giveaway. Thanks so much!

angie said...

What a wonderful thing you are doing! I got ready for work without shoes, let the dog out w/o shoes and am work barefoot (under my desk). I'll strip these babies off as soon as I get in the car to head home!

Robin said...

I'm not allowed at work without shoes but as soon as I'm home, the shoes come off! Thanks for the giveaway!

Robin said...

I also entered the boba giveaway!

emily said...

i'm going barefoot while planting seeds in my new garden today!

emily said...

i also entered the boba giveaway!

MommyAnna said...

I am going barefoot today! Thanks! Anna

Mama B @ Generation Freedom said...

Hi! I LOVE TOMS & their mission. I just purchased my first pair of TOMS Kenya wedges recently & they are fabulous. I'd love to buy a pair of the slip-ons for my toddler son. Today I am mothering without shoes, I am sewing & crocheting barefoot & I am picking up the dog poop in our backyard barefoot too! Hopefully I can manage to avoid the doo-doo, so it doesn't become one with my bare toes! LOL! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I always clean the house without shoes...
It is customary in our country "Philippines" to be barefoot if we enter someone else's is a sign of respect to the owner of the keeping their house clean if you enter barefoot.

Aubrey said...

Amazing giveaway!! Toms have become my second favorite pair of shoes (just shy of saltwater sandals). I feel in love with their mission and supported them ever since! As a SAHM of 4 we will celebrate "one day without shoes" together by playing barefoot in the backyard. One day when my kids are older I will get to hook up with an official Toms event, but today I will be happy to continue to teach my kids how very blessed we are. And if I win I think my smallest will get his first pair of Toms...not hand-me-downs!

Caitlin O. said...

I cook dinner without shoes! But really, I like doing just about anything without shoes. Or socks. Or feet covering of any kind =)

Love Toms and their mission!

MandyRae said...

Took my son to his one year wellness appt....without shoes on!

MandyRae said...

Entered the boba giveaway, it rocks my socks off, if I was wearing some!

Nichole said...

Hanging out around the house and will play outside in the grass without shoes on. I am nearing the end of my pregnancy so shoes are rare anyways!!![at]yahoo[dot]com

Lindsey said...

Today I am doing yoga without shoes!

BUT, the most important thing I am doing today to promote the One Day Without Shoes campaign is talk to my students about children in third world countries who don't have shoes. I am a kindergarten teacher and they were amazed that people have to walk around without shoes. It opened their eyes!

Anonymous said...

I am at work without shoes. And it is cold in here!! I cannot imagine not having shoes!

Anonymous said...

I also entered the Boba carrier giveaway

julie said...

Amazing giveaway!! Today we did a play date with the kiddos and no shoes, and later a little outside time and swim lessons.

Rachel said...

I am doing my household chores without shoes today! I plan on walking to get the mail without shoes as well :)

Kelli Blinn said...

Today I'm shoeless as I try to recover from multiple illnesses. Might not be the "ideal" shoeless day, but its cold in here and I'd rather be wearing socks and slippers!

Kelli Blinn said...

I also entered the Boba giveaway.

Britt said...

today i am walking around, yes, even on the carpet which needs to be vacuumed, with no shoes on:]
love the giveaway.
and your mom.

Sarah said...

I am cooking barefoot!

Bethany said...

I was teaching shoeless! My kids thought it was funny ;)

Mandy said...

I have been cuddling my two year old who has been running a fever all day--barefoot!

Mandy said...

I also entered the Boba contest!

Anonymous said...

I'm practicing piano, dancing around, cleaning and driving without shoes on!
I'm grateful for my feet and for the blessing of shoes!

Unknown said...

I will be doing homework and walking my dogs barefoot today! And THANK YOU and YOUR MOM so much for the giveaway! What an amazing opportunity and a great cause.

The Vance's said...

Today I took the trash out without shoes! I also researched this amazing campaign and plan on spreading the word!

thejoysofjess said...

So generous to offer this all by yourself! I live in Florida, so my life is pretty much shoeless. Today we played in the yard shoeless and walked around the neighborhood shoeless and went to baby gym shoeless.

Megan Tetter said...

i am crafting and doing laundry SANS shoes.. could not do it on a daily basis though. very thankful i do not have to do so.

Anonymous said...

Today was such a beautiful day that me and my two boys played outside without shoes and it felt great! What a awesome giveaway!! =)

Ash and Rowe said...

Today my 15 mo old daughter and I went to an appt and then we played with our friends without shoes! We Love TOM shoes!

ashleppek AT gmail DOT com

Alisha said...

What an amazing giveaway! I am spending my evening without shoes, dinner, cleaning, laundry, baby bath and bed time!

Caroline said...

This is such a great giveaway. I have wanted a pair of Toms for a long time. I walked around my house and through the yard without shoes on today doing different chores.

amandabryce said...

Today I will walk around my house without shoes, because we take them off at the front door. I will also play at the kids gym with my daughter, shoeless, because it is required, and well, I like going barefoot :) I have one pair of Toms and I LOVE them, I would love to have some more, and to get a pair for my kiddos :)

Hespyhesp said...

I can't be at work without my shoes on but as soon as I get home they're coming off and staying off!

Blomgrens said...

I think the entry is closed (such a short window for mommies who can't read blogs every day :( ) But.. I'll try anyway! I will go barefoot doing all my mommy housework today and be praying for those kids throughout the day without shoes.

Thanks Amy & her mom!

Blomgrens said...

I also entered the Boba contest!
And of course, I follow your blog!

Cindy said...

I taught. Today in my classroom I slipped off my shoes and stood in front of my classroom to present a lesson to my 6th graders.

Rory said...

Planted flowers, got the mail, cleaned house...all without shoes.

MaryEllen Rodriguez said...

I love reading your BLOG and I am without shoes. I know that doesn't surprise you because as much as I like buying shoes, they don't stay on my feet for very long. BUT I have that choice, and I have a closet FULL of shoes. I see the kids in South Africa without shoes playing, going to school and EVEN at restaurants. SOME have a choice, most do not. Dad always say, "they grew up on wine farms"..... I say, WITHOUT SHOES???? Watching the video and realizing how much sickness comes from being shoeless..... should be a choice..... AND you little missy and your "crayon converse high tops" ..YOU HAD TO WEAR TO BED... Like it was yesterday.... I love you, Mom

Leah @ Blondie Tells All said...

My sisters actually talked me into One Day Without Shoes. Yesterday, I worked, went to a dermatologist appt, & came hoome to cook & clean. I am incredibly jealous of my sisters' & mother's TOMS and have been wanting a pair for my finace and myself for sometime. A $50 giftcard would be a great start to our TOMS!!

Michelle said...

Today I schooled my kids without shoes and took care of the various house jobs.

Unknown said...

i wake up with no shoes and keep them off til i go some where outside the house. I take a shower without shoes. I go to sleep too! lol