A note of thanks to the man I call Hubby.
Right now you are flying home after a same day business trip.
Thank you first for doing things just like that.
Making business trips as short as possible, so you can be home with us.
Because of those trips and all the other hard work you do in the daily grind, you
have made it possible for me to stay home with our babies,

Thank you for being the man our son will have as model to look up to as he travels through life.
With you as his Daddy he will follow in step with a successful, hardworking, family man, THANK YOU.

Thank you for being the example our daughter will have as what makes a wonderful partner. And I will say it now, any man in her life will have A LOT to live up to.

Thank you for being a goof. The one I can ALWAYS count on to make me laugh, even when I do not want to. Thank you for getting me. For letting me get a little nutty and then bringing me back down to reality. Thank you for not always agreeing with me BUT working things out.
Thank you for playing with our babies. For making them feel important and loved. You are the kind of Dad that works out his schedule to go to school events, takes us on vacation, and gets down on the floor with his babies.

Thank you for always making me feel desired, loved, and cared for.
Thank you for still asking me out on dates.
When you surprise me with a clean kitchen, a random load of laundry, or picked up toys
it makes me smile with happiness.
We celebrate 8 years in 2 weeks, Hubby here is to another 60 filled.
I love you.
And another thanks today.
This one goes to ALL the men and women past and present and their families
who have served our country.
My family appreciates you, not only on Veterans Day BUT everyday.
And extra thanks to our cousin, currently serving in Iraq.

I am link up with Emily today:

*****DO NOT MISS OUT****
beautiful post.
what a tear jerker!
what a sweet and beautiful tribute to your husband. The pictures are all so sweet!
daddy's are the BEST. especially the hard working, loving to both us and their kids, re-arranging schedule kind, get on the floor and play with the kids kind, and folding laundry kind. OH, and the kind that still ask us out on dates! sounds like we have the same kind of daddy's in our house. how lucky are we?!? =)
sweet post!
This was awesome! Having a daughter of my own I especially love the part about how models what kind of partner she should want in life. That is SO important!
beautiful-praise jesus for outstanding husbands and dads! thanks for sharing!
What a great post. Def brought tears to my eyes. =)
You sound like a very lucky lady... I'm sure your hubby would agree he is lucky as well. Cheers to good men!
this definitely made me cry. Thank Jesus there are still good men out there!
I'm sure your hubby is just as thankful for you! lovely post!
Beautiful post!
I think this is my fav post eva. xoxo
great post. love it. xoxo.
this was such a beautiful post with equally beautiful and moving photos. Thank you so much for sharing your love for your husband with all of us!
Such a beautiful post!
So sweet. And I love her face paint in that adorable 2nd photo!
What a really beautiful post and wonderful tribute to your husband.
Thanks for sharing :-)
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