If you have been following me for awhile you know already about my love for Vintage Lucy's.
The unique vintage flare and attention to detail makes them stand above the rest.
They have a wonderful assortment of vintage birthday scenes that would make any birthday kiddo happy.
I just knew I wanted a dress from Vintage Lucy's for Buggies party dress.
I think the dress came out spectacular...

Tab over at Vintage Lucy is such a pleasure to work with. I just picked the scene I wanted, picked the style shirt, and let her know which fabric to add to the bottom. And she made my vision come to life.
Tab is gearing up to open her first store front! And she is wonderful enough during this very busy time to offer a giveaway!
One lucky winner will get a choice of a tank top in either:
Your ways to enter {please leave ONE comment per entry}:
- MUST follow my blog
- Follow Vintage Lucy's blog {already a follower that counts!}
-Become a fan of Vintage Lucy's on FB
- Since Tab is fulfilling a dream with her store front, do you have personal dream you want to accomplish one day? Lets hear it..
I'm a follower of your blog (of course) and I love how you find the greatest treasures and share them! too cute~! lovet the chick magnet!
follow your blog!
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
follow lucy's blog
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
fan of vintage lucy on facebook
mammaliciousmamma at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog!
I am following Lucy's blog too!
Became a fan on FB!
I just have to say that Vintage Lucy is opening a store front in MY hometown! I will be following with great detail so I can go and visit!
I would love to accomplish a marathon some day, right now only a half marathon is (mentally) possible!
following VL blog
facebook fan
hmm I think my dream would be to own a cupcake shop someday after my kids are all grown up many years from now
i follow your blog!
susanerios at hotmail.com
my personal dream--have a children's book published.
susanerios at hotmail.com
I follow your fab blog
following Vintage Lucy's blog
I would love to learn how to sew well enough to open my own store :)
already FB followe, WE WANNA WIN!
now following your blog!
follower of VL blog already
... and I follow the VL blog.
I'm a fan of VL on Facebook :)
I'm a follower of your blog :) Love it!
already a VL fan and FB follower! Now I follow your blog :) I would love to have the tank for my granddaughter's first birthday! May just have to order that one :)
VL Facebook Fan - LOVE that top, would be perfect for dd's bday in May!
Im a fan on FB too
and Lucy's blog
Im a follower of this blog
and my dream is to adopt a baby from china. I know a lot of people get to this everyday but financially it will be a big deal for us and we are saving so maybe one day my dream will come true too!
I am following your blog :)
I am following VL's blog, too.
I am a VL fan on FB!!
Following your blog. Great giveaway, thanks!
My dream is to travel around the world!
Follow your blog
Follow VL Blog
Follow VL on FB
I am a fan of VL on Facebook
I follow VL blog
and I am now a fan of yours!!! yay!!!
my dream would be to be my own boss. I'm not sure what type of business yet, but something that has to do with designing or decorating. I love to make things pretty :)
I am now following your fabulous Blog.
I am already a fan of Vintage Lucy's on FB.
I am already a follower of Vintage Lucy's Blog.
I would love to own my own kids clothing boutique, my hobby and passion is kids clothing so it really would be a dream come true if that turned into something that made me money :)
I already follow your blog and now Lucy's too.
This dress it so cute on your daughter, love it!
I am following your blog now!
And I am now a fan of Vintage Lucy's on Facebook.
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