Yesterday marked the first day of summer vacay.
It started out looking like this...
I am afraid a lot of days are going to end up like this. I am slowing accepting the fact that I am not a camp counselor, and that killing myself trying to make each day fun and special is not going to work.
Confession time...
I am a crayon snob.
32 years old and I finally can admit it.
Crayola all the way and pointing tip.
On twitter yesterday @crafteemcgee congratulated me for having one of wreathes featured in the Etsy Finds Newsletter.
"UM, EXSQUEEZE ME?!" "I am in what?!"
After getting my hands on it, and scrolling. There it was...

Lets just say I am still shaking my head. And as of this morning my little wreath has had more then 2065 views and 159 hearts, shaking head. I am very grateful to Etsy for this.
I finally broke down and join Pinterest
And of course the day I join it breaks down and frustrates the crude out of me.
But I am working on a master bedroom redo board, which means pigs do fly!!
Thats it for today, see you tomorrow with "What we ate Wednesday."
get those posts ready to link up!
Happy Tuesday...
wowsers!! congrats! im totally a crayon snob too and even have my own box that i wont share with the kiddo's, cuz i too like pointy ends:)
I joined pinterest was only a matter of time. xoxo, sweets.
I feel so good that there is other crayon snobs out there also. I actually have 2 boxes of cheap crayons that my kids received as a gift to put in my yard sale. I never even let them open them. :)
your kids make me smile!
I love pinterest! Also thanks for the trick with the chalk!!! :)
So great! Congratulations. :)
Did it lead to more sales? I hope so!
Soaking chalk is such a great idea...I can't believe that in years of being an Art Coordinator for kiddos I never thought of that. You better believe I'm going to steal that idea from you!! :)
you probably are not nearly the crayon snob I am... I have my own box to use, so that I always have good tips. Don't get me wrong I enjoy sharing, I mean who do you think gave them their own box of crayons and coloring books?
Cute photos
This type of fun inspire children that much.. I remember when i was a kid I used to paint & color whole day...
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