Having lived in Florida my whole life, I never really have experienced fall.
Maybe thats why its my favorite time of the year.
I dream of turning leaves, scarfs, and mitten covered hands.
Two weeks ago we took a trip up to where fall is like a Norman Rockwell painting.
New England.
Buggie, being my daughter through and through, LOVED every second of our trip.
She was so excited to get bundled up and run like the wind through the falling leaves.
Her favorite night had to be when we made smores.
She was a pro.
She scavenged for the best stick the backyard could boost.
And toasted her marshmallow to the perfect shade of brown.

She decided the ginormous marshmallows were enough, so she bagged the
chocolate and graham crackers.
The most perfect fall night created the most perfect fall memory.
Fall is my favorite time of year for the same reasons too! I remember visiting my grandparents during Fall and just "falling" in love with the beauty of the leaves and crisp air! Love love love <333
haha... here in the midwest. some days i would do anything for your warm sunny weather!!!!!
That is so great - I can taste the marshmallow from here! And how beautiful you describe fall in New England (where I live) I will forever think of it as a Rockwell painting!!
hmmm smores! Lovely fall memories!
BEAUTIFUL picture of your baby girl. Love Fall!! Love me some roasted marshmallows even more :)
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