Over the past week I have been knee deep in Seussville.
Buggie's school is having a family reading night tonight for read across America.
Which today happens to be Dr. Seuss's birthday and the kindergarten classes each picked a Dr. Seuss book to decorate with.
So once I heard we got "Oh, the Places You'll Go!"
I met up with my homie Brie, we have been friends since our babes were 3 months old and the kids have been in class together ever since they started school at 3, so working on a project together is just an excuse to hang.

Neither one of us had paper mached since, I do not know 10 maybe, so we had no clue if what we were about to do was going to work. After getting some water balloons, then each of us almost passing out from trying to blow they little suckers up, we got a bike pump and got all 18 blown in no time. Then paper mached half the balloons. Then we waited, a full 24 hrs to see if our little experiment would work...
And sure enough, it did.
Then I took some white spray paint and gave them a good coating...
Once they were dried, I got to painting them. Using the colors from the cover art, I made different stripes and color combos...
Now during this process I have learned it is not Seussie until you bust out the black outlining...
So with a trace of all the strips and a little shadowing, they were coming together.
For the baskets, I took white card stock, free handed a basket the size we needed. Then cut and traced that little guy 17 more times. And then painted them...

And as I stated about it was not Seussified until that black outline came into play...
Once All the baskets were dried, each kiddie got a basket. {PS I only missed spelled one of the kids names, haha.}
I picked up some white paper from Buggie's school and brought it home to get to work on the background. Which I free handed and painted...
It was not the exact cover, but there was no doubt what book it was...
Then Brie and I met up at school and got to hanging. Brie has what I call curiously strong man arms, so she armed the stapler.
I have to say after it was all up, it was exactly how I had envisioned it, Seusserific. And not going to lie, having teachers, staff, and other moms walk by and pay compliments was pretty good feeling!
And they will all go places, up up up and away....
And thanks to this project I now have added Seussie, Seussified, and Seusserific to my vocabulary.
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, hope I did you right!
Number one question on this post, "what did you use to hang the balloons?"
A hot glue gun, just around the edges and then held it up til it dried.
Number one question on this post, "what did you use to hang the balloons?"
A hot glue gun, just around the edges and then held it up til it dried.
You DID good! Way to go mom!
You are the coolest mom!!! Soooo crafty! Love it!
Awesome! I love Dr. Seuss and have given this book as a gift for many a baby shower so I LOVE what you did!
Oh man! Your kindergarten class does some fun stuff! I emailed my daughters K teacher asking if I could make the kids a snack, so I did jello with swedish fish for One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish. I wrapped the cups in a clear treat bag and printed a tag of Cat in the Hat. They were cute :)
I just pinned this on my "School" board for once I start teaching.
So awesome!
ok. dude. this is literally the coolest thing in the world. if i could nominate you for a coolest-person-award. i would and you would win.
the end.
This is SOOO cute! So creative, Amy! I love it :)
Hit or Miss)
You ROCK momma! so awesome!!!! love it! I bet those kids loved it more!
This project is so cool and turned out just awesome!
adorbs!!! :)
Hi im throwing my daughter a Dr seuss bday party, and i want to try tis but i just need to know how you mounted the finished balloons to the paper?
Wow these are so adorable. I was wondering how you attached the balloons to the board. I'm curious to know if it was hot glue or push pins. Thanks so much.
I re-created this board in my classroom for this coming school year. I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you for the inspiration!!
I'm the Editorial Assistant for Fun Family Crafts and I wanted to let you know that we have featured your project! You can see it here:
If you have other kid-friendly crafts, we'd love it if you would submit them. If you would like to display a featured button on your site, you can grab one from the right side bar of your post above. Thanks for a wonderful project idea!
I am a third grade teacher in Georgia and I just wanted to let you know your project and idea for one of my favorite Dr. Suess books has inspired me to try it myself. So thank you for sharing
I did this With my 4th grade class here in Oslo, Norway, and the kids just loved it :-)
Thank you for the inspiration - the book is amacing, and is ranslated into Norwegian.
What did you use as the strings on the balloons and were and how did you attach them? You don't happen to have a close up shot of the strings by any chance, do you? Thank you!
Hi. I answered this at the bottom of this post. Happy crafting.
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