I am putting out there today.
All of it.
Yesterday I mentioned I am skinny fat.
I have a goal, you see and I need some accountability.
If I do not shout it from the roof tops and just keep it to myself then there is no public shame
if I do not commit.
I want to commit.

See that "done lap" happening. It needs to done be gone.
I know some of you might think I am crazy on many levels for this post.
Some might, "Wow she is crazy for posting those."
You might even think "She is crazy for thinking anything needs to change."
But I am not loving myself right now.
I want to love myself.
So in 6 weeks, I want to hear from you if I have not updated you with a new photo.
Please. Pretty please with some granola on top.
I did it. I put it out there. Wow, I am crazy.
Oh and one more thing, if you are coming to me this week from the post
Jamie at Eighteen 25 did on her current crushes, thank you.
It really was the best bloggie surprise EVA.
Thanks Jamie, you guys rock.
craziest brave ever.
i wish my fat looked skinny :)
I TOTALLY understand what you're talking about. I'm skinny fat too. I don't dare tell any of my friends.. but I've moved to my "fat" pants. And I now know someone else who would understand what I mean. You still look fantastic and you're lean.. it's the extra stuff and I have the SAME thing going on. I stopped working out and got comfortable. For me, it's been a 10 pound swing. Most people don't notice.. but when the clothes are off.. I notice and when I try and put those fave skinny jeans on... we FIGHT to get over my expanding thighs. Oh ya... way to go girl! I'm proud of you for doing this post and I will be working me butt off to get somewhere in 6 weeks with you!!!!! Go BRAVE one! You ROCK!
Not sure if I am brave enough to do that....I'll think about it! :)
You can do it! ;)
I love the comment above ("I wish my fat looked skinny") :). This is commitment...and brave! You can do it! :) You just inspired me to eat better today :).
brave!! You can do it!!
You can do it!
You go girl!
uhm...i've got the same problem-o. skinny-fat...i love it. please do share, how are you get'n er' gone in 6 weeks?! the whole '9 months on, 9 months off' thing didn't so much happen for me in the done-lap area either. it literally makes.me.nuts-o. share.share.share!
you are brave!!! We'll make sure to comment if you haven't updated us!! :o)
came over from eighteen25..i hear ya..I am skinny fat too! I am working on my pouch too!
How in the he** do you not have a single stretch mark!! Just hatin' :) You are very brave and smart, I still look like I am 6 months pregnant and my youngest is 20 months...Bwhahaaaa! Good Luck on your journey my friend :)
again. you make me laugh. i'm going to post a pic of me in some work out clothes next week. with a sweatband. maybe just a sweatband. the options are endless.
you go girl.
and i agree with lindsay, i wish my fat looked skinny too.
you best believe i will be checking in in 6 weeks ;)
Wow for being so brave! I hear ya, lady. It's been 7 months since my baby was born and last night I sat on the couch looking at my loose skin flopped over my pajamas and nearly cried. I love muffins but not my new muffin top. I hope it will be gone in 6 weeks too!
I recognized you on eighteen25! Congrats!
You go girl!
I will check in on you!
I have about 30 lbs to lose
but you maybe have 3lbs to lose and just tone up!
Pilates would TOTALLY 100% get rid of that!
you look GREAT though!
Came over from the Andersons...Okay, this is awesome! Good for you. I feel the exact same way. I've never heard of the term, "skinny fat" but now that I know of it, it's def in my vocab now...and now that it's in my vocab maybe it's time to do something about it. ???
girl you have gutts! no pun intended. i have never heard of a skinny-fat...i guess i would be considered a fat-fat then:) good luck, see you in 6 weeks!
You are far more brave than I'd ever be and you look great! If you want change it only happens when you commit and push yourself. I know you can do it! :)
& I laughed at ^^ 2littlehooligans, fat-fat. Hahaha I'm sure that's not the case but I laughed at the word anyways. ;)
March 31st...on my calendar. Holding You accountable brave one!!! The song playing is so appropriate..."You Can Count On Me!"
Ah, maybe someday I will be able to post a skinny fat picture. For now, I'm just "fat, fat" and nobody wants to see that, trust me. Good for you for putting it out there!!!
you go girl frand. <3 props to you my dear.
Too funny! I was just talking to my husband about joining weight watchers. Some think I look great after having 4. But I would feel better after losing some pounds...just for me.
I too came over from eighteen25 but love the Anderson Crew. And I felt like I "knew" you a bit better after having been following there.
You can do it!
i was very excited when i saw a comment from you on our blog. thanks for being so crush worthy. :)
oh mama! I was jus talking with a friend the other day about taking a pix of me in my underwear every month and making a note of it in a journal with my measurements. She said she wouldnt be brave enough to blog it and being a plus size mama I agreed!
Your courage is outstanding...well done...
Skinny fat or whatever you may be it is about health and internal happiness.... I am inspired by your journey!
You are so cute! I know you can do it, and your fat skinny isn't half bad you know! Internal happiness and health are two fab goals as said by My Love is..
You ROCK! You are a HERO to many many moms out there! You inspire me! I am giving myself 6 weeks too. Just took a pic.
Thank you for your candid post! You are skinny fat, and - well- frankly, I am FAT fat. I also need to do something about my problem! Starting with a vegetarian diet and participating more in my daughter's mom-tot gymnastics class for exercise. I think I need more than 6 weeks, though!
Pocket Full of Parties
I want to be skinny fat :D
you crack me up! (and you are super brave)
I know what you mean! I use the term - bone and jiggle. I have lost the baby weight... but I lost it in muscle! The fat remains.
I get teased all the time for saying I need to work out. I'm a bit Skinny Fat too. Very little frame, but a little extra around the middle.
I want to CONFIDENTLY wear a bikini this Summer so I'm working on me too! It's good to want to be healthy!
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