Decisions are tough and they have to be made you made one that day and it was the right one because that's what great Moms do.
Your Dad
Ohhhhh my amazing, loving daughter. My heart aches for your aches. My heart explodes with pride for your honesty. As your father once told me, "in 7 or 8 eight years,things will be better" When he said that, you can imagine my first thought after I was able to stop my head from spinning, and before I had to call the Priest for the exorcism, or the chiropractor. By the way, I don't know where I would have found the time to go to either. You know how very supportive your father is, and is always my cheerleader, and always has been. BUT... that morning, As I kissed him good-bye and wished him a nice day, I was not feeling it. (actually, as I shut the door, I was wishing his pants zipper would break). WELL... those 7 or 8 years have long past, I would not have given up any minute of those crazy, juggling days. Do you remember the story about the time I went out with Aunt Kathleen and Aunt Joy to happy-hour, and as we were chatting or flirting, I'm not sure which it was a long time ago, You kids were young, I was a stay at home mom I said. Talk about a buzz kill..!!..That night I was feeling invisible. The three of us talked about it later and they come up with my new "JOB", I was ready for the question the next time we went, and as luck would have it, I was able to say, Oh me? "I'm the culinary critic for NASA", SOOO IN YOUR FACE, YOU BAD HAIR, POLYESTER WEARING, AWFUL SHOES, DOOFUSS, I had the best job of my life, that's right!!!! When ever I have to fill out papers that ask my occupation, I still write stay at home mom. Don't giggle, I am at one home or another. I am soooooo proud of my children and the love you share for one another. I would also like to thank you for all your patience as your were growing up. Your father would go to work sometimes before you kids woke-up and not come home till after you were in bed, I felt bad for him. He "WAS" always at work, NOW...... not so much. I think he has found his 7 or 8 years time. Being able to spend time with Avery and Nolan and being soooo proud of the mother you have become, he is a bit like Abuelo. Your husband is a VERY lucky man, and YOU are a very, very, very, lucky woman. I see the pride in his eyes when you're together. He is such an amazing juggler of his time, also. " It" works because we want and need "it" to. "IT'S" VERY hard work, lonely at home with our tears from the day, whatever that is, then our tears because of our tears. Those tears haven't stopped for me. Stand tall SAHM, and call me, I'll be there in 30 minutes. I love you, Mom your SAHM xoxo
So sweet.
your parents are sweet and funny!
Awww that makes me want to take a shot of Patron with La. xoxo
My eyes teared up reading your mom and dad's words. I am a SAHM to and totally can relate to it all. This is why I love blogging. Makes the world a little smaller, my home less lonely, and my "job" more validated.
What a beautiful blessing.
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