Today Buggie and I dropped off Hubby at the airport. He is off to India for 9 days. We had not even left the airport when Daddy's Little Girl, asked "Mommy when is Daddy coming home. I miss my Daddy SOOO much." Even after I answered her, she asked about 10 more times on our 20 minute ride back home. When we got home I decided we needed to make something to show Buggie how many more days until Daddy comes home. CRAFT TIME...
great idea but I wouldn't expect anything less from you!!
We go through this EVERY week at our house... praying for a change, but my sweet boy understands where your sweet girl is at this week!
Congrats on your baby-to-be!
My first was due Monday, still waiting for him to arrive!
Aww...that's a cute idea!
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