I have been wanting to do a monthly post and was not sure what to do. Then over this past weekend it hit me. Mom to mom advice, a little something that I do that makes my day a little smoother. And I would hope that you all would add on to this posts with a little something that works for you and your family. So expect a post at the end of each month with this theme.
This month I wanted to share two little things that make life a little easier.
For those of you with kiddos old enough to drink out of cups know that when you are at restaurants and order a kiddy drink, 99% of the time the straws that come to the table do not bend. And for me this use to mean A LOT more stains then I wanted to deal with, since Buggie would tip her drinks.
So I started carrying bendy straws in my purse and to make sure they are easy to grab and did not get smooched , I use a .99 cent toothbrush holder to store them!
Oh BTW not sure how I am going to handle going from my purse to a diaper bag again...
As I am sure all of you can contest to this, when you get a good 10-15 min uninterrupted shower in, it is AMAZING! For me this also means I can think. Which usually produces something to remember that I need to get done. So instead of forgetting the minute I turn off the shower and hear the first "Mommy!", I put bath crayons in the shower. Now I can jot down my thoughts, which means the aren't down the drain!
Then when I step out I have a little note pad and pen in my bathroom drawer to take down my shower revolutions. This makes my scattered brain seem less chaotic.

I hope these little things I do might help you!
Now please share something small or big helps you get through your day! I look forward to sharing...
Oh an make sure you do not miss out on the AWESOME giveaway I am hosting this week. Click here to enter
great ideas! I am stealing the straw one...as soon as Tess starts drinking from them!
Let me just say that the bendy straws in the toothbrush case is brilliant! I am so going to grab one when I'm at the store again!
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