This post really should be titled "What I ate Wednesday" since I eat at least one tomato sandwich a day. And sometimes two. There I said it, I love me some tomato sandwiches.
To make things more interesting I have been changing them up. And here is what I call
"Not Yo Grandmamas BLT"
What you will need:
- Red and yellow tomato {honestly you can just do red, the yellow is more for the effect, ha}
- Prosciutto {I like mine with three slices}
- Arugula
- Mayo
- Sriracha {if you do not know what Sriracha is, get to know, trust me mkay. It is sold at most food stores and even Target, you will find it in the asian food section.
Now get you some spicy asian ketchup!}
- Bread

Preheat the oven to 350, place your prosciutto on a cookie sheet and bake for 12 to 14 mins. It will start to curl up and and crisp. While that is cooking mix your mayo and sriracha together. Now this part is completely personal. I like mine spicy so I will use more of the sriracha, then most. Add a little stir, taste, then you can always add more. Then right before the prosciutto is about to come out, toast your bread. Now when choosing the right bread to toast, I judge it on wether is tears up the bottom of my mouth. The more tearing the better :)
man that looks good...yummo! we have been living on tomatoe sandwichestoo!! wish i could send you a bussel of tomatoes. making some salsa today to get rid of some of them.
looks amazing!! :)
Wow, Amy.... that looks Devine!!
this Jersey girl is in L-O-V-E with your sammie :) And yellow tomatoes....the best!
Yum! Looks deee-lish!
Mmm delish! Thanks do sharing!
Be sure to enter my Shabby Apple dress giveaway:
*for, not do!
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