WARNING: This post contains an image that may or may not gross you out. I can not be held responsible for any loss of Special K this morning.
So for the past week Bean has been clingy, whining, and over all just a little pill. He had a slight fever last Monday and Tuesday {nothing warranting running off to the Dr. office}. He has been eating normally and playing. But at night he turns into a MONSTER. Waking up every hour and wanting to nurse. So as Mommy MD, I diagnosed him as teething. Sounds good right?
When we woke up this morning and noticed this thick green glop coming from his ear, I started second guessing my "professional" diagnoses.

After leaving the REAL Dr. with a script in hand for the ear infection. It broke my heart. I know I should not feel bad, but honestly I have a serious case of Mommy guilt {self diagnosed, and I do not need a second opinion on that!}
Sorry Bean, Mommy LOVES you.
Happy side note:
I received a message this morning that made me SMILE big time. About a month ago I received a request to make a crown for a little girl who was turning 3. Her Mommy had asked if I could make a fire truck crown but GIRLIE. I was not sure what I could come up with. But after she sent over the UBER cute invite, I got really excited!
I just love how a Mommy listened to what her daughter wanted and made it work.
Please go check out the adorable pics and let Laura know what a FAB job she did!