First, I will have another giveaway up bright and early Monday morning. I can promise it will be a good one. So make sure to check back.
Secondly, not sure if you knew but I recently opened an Etsy Store of my own,
True Love Found. I have been busy making crowns of all sorts for girls and now boys too! I will be setting up a giveaway within the next week for a crown, so yet another reason to check back!
Oh and last but differently not least, we are gearing up for Buggies first day of preschool next week. Hubby and I went to meet the teacher last night, and we are both very excited. But not so sure how excited Buggie will be that morning. I just hope the water works are at a minimum for both her and I. I will for sure blog about this experience next week, so oh wait another reason to check back!
Hope I have given you guys enough to look forward to, I know I am excited...