Have you noticed a trend with my Mom in the Shot photos?
It has a name.
I am in this weird in between stage of growing my hair out.
After Bean came, my hair changed.
Now everyday, I pull it back.
I have VERY naturally curly hair, would you have guessed from my photos?
I DISLIKE this about me right now.
So I made an appointment.
And tonight I say "Hair today, gone tomorrow!"
Hum, can not wait for Mom in the Shot for tomorrow.
Have you ever seen this before?
Yellow watermelon?!
When I came across it at the grocery store, just had to grab it.
It is just as juicy and sweet as its counterpart.
But it takes a minute to process what you are eating.
Watermelon screams summer.
Ok so lastly do you play Words with Friends?
I would love to play with you, BugandBeansMommy.