Monday, February 10, 2014

Snap Shop DSLR Course Review {Under The Sycamore}

I just noticed that it has been since December when I blogged last.
But not a week goes by that I don't think out loud to a friend, I wish I was blogging more.
I am not sure how or why I fell off the wagon.
Then I got an email back in December that had my jaw hitting the ground and my butt jumping in the air.
Ashley Ann had sent me an email, me little old me, seeing if I would like to take her DSLR Snap Shop Course for a review.
Two seconds later I was responding YES, but not before deleting all the excited expletives I had added, didn't want her second guessing asking me, haha.

We just finished the course and I am feeling refreshed.
Just like many of you out there my iphone has become my camera, its readily available, it takes AMAZING photos, its crazy easy to upload right to social media, and it fits right in our back pockets.

But for me I crave more out of photography.
I want to not take photos but I want to capture memories.
I want photos I can look back on and feel the moments.
I want to feel like I am creating art with my images.

And for that to happen I need to understand my camera.
I want out of that safe green box.
Because it is not the camera that makes a great photo it is how you use it in manual.

Ashley's course is designed for us amateurs to get the basics of operating in manual, using the elements of composition for getting a great shot, and telling a story.

First let me say this.
I am SO not an online course kind of girl.
I am a in yo face, hands on learner. 
Which made me nervous about this.
I am not one to go on message boards and dig for hours on questions asked and try to tie them back to the course material, thats just not how my brain works. 

So the relief I felt when I first logged on and saw how the course was setup was HUGE.
The fact that there is a comment section at the end of each chapter, made my life so much easier.
I like organization, despite what my desk looks like right now, I promise I like it. 

Like I mentioned before this course is designed for amateurs.  
If you have basic knowledge of your camera, ie ISO, aperture, and such, then its not the course for you. 
But if you are just now clicking over that dial from green to M, then this is the BEST place to start.

Ashley has a great knowledge and experience, but she doesn't leave you scratching your head thinking you will never get it. She is there to answer questions and provide helpful tricks to get it down.

There are helpful printouts with areas to add notes.
And at the end of the course you get the opportunity to share your images with the group and get critiques. 

I leave the course with a plan.
A plan to commit to at least one day a week putting my phone down and using strictly my camera.
It may be bigger, harder to use, more time consuming, but it gives me so much more satisfaction knowing I did it. 
And I owe that to Ashley, her course has given me the confidence I needed to step out of my comfort zone and work for that image.  
Looks like her next course is booked but one opening in May, so perfect time to ask for a Valentines gift! 

 If DSLR is not your speed but you want to nail down amazing shots with your phone, Ashley also offers up an phone course!! 

Thank you Ashley for giving the push I needed!


  1. So cool!!! You've always had a natural eye for good composition, so I know this course will just make you even more amazing!

  2. Thank you do have such a natural eye for photography. It was fun to have you in the course!


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