Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Applegate Pizza Party in a Box Giveaway

It's no secret I LOVE me some Applegate.
I mean I did a whole lunch series with them back at the beginning of school, I buy their Sunday Bacon in bulk at our BJ's, and I always have some form of their cheeses on hand 
{another not so secret, I LOVE cheese}.

When I heard they had come out with new mini pepperonis in turkey and pork options, I was stoked.
And my excitement continued when my Pizza Party in a Box arrived.

When I pulled all the goodies out and said to the kids its PIZZA night, they responded with 
"Can we have calzones?" 
Um, sure why not.  
Cause pepperonis aren't just for pizza right?!

A little bit of important info on these tasty bites that will make you feel good about feeding them to your clan:

-100% vegetarian grain-fed pork or turkey - no fillers
- No antibiotics
- Less fat and sodium than conventional brands
- Made from humanely raised pork and turkey
- No hormones
- Perfect on pizza, salads, a meat and cheese board, and just snackin’

We leaned towards the turkey, thats not to say the pork isn't delicious.  But I think since we have been using turkey pepperonis for so many years it was just a taste and texture we were more use to. 
And yes I have a "fancy" calzone maker.  It's really not necessary but the kids love to flip it and cut the excess dough off so we use it. 

And for a little extra veg option I also made zucchini boats. Simply half and cut the ends of, then scrap the seeds out.  Fill with sauce, add you pepperonis and cheese and bake with your calzones or pizza.  

All in all I think Applegate has another home run on their hands. 
And they want to send one lucky person their own Pizza in a Box to see for themselves!

Box includes:

·         Both varieties of new Applegate Naturals Mini Pepperoni and Provolone Cheese
·         King Arthur Flour Pizza Crust Mix (also available in Gluten Free!)
·         Small batch tomato sauce
·         Recipe for mini pizzas
·         Pizza cutter
·         Kitchen towel
·         Apron

Just leave a comment below.
Open to US residents only til midnight Feb 16th. 
Winner will pick randomly by and announced Monday Feb 17th.



  1. I love me some applegate! I use all of their products and now can't wait to try the pepperoni!! Cute idea with the pizza box!!

  2. Pizza-in-a-box sounds like my families dream come true!

  3. I love Applegate, would love to try this for my kids. :)

  4. You always make what looks like fun and delicious meals, whether its fun shaped pancakes for breakfast, cool little school lunches, or creative dinners. I am always getting ideas from you, so thank you again for posting. I never thought to turn pizza night into calzone night! And the Applegate looks like the kind of food I would love to start incorporating in my own meal plans :)

  5. Yummy! This is such a great idea!

  6. I love it! So hard to find applegate products in the middle of nowhere, Tn.

  7. Sounds delicious. Thanks for mentioning gluten free too, King Arthur Flours pizza crust is by far the best

  8. looks so yummy! thanks for the giveaway!!

  9. Sounds delicious! I'd definitely love to try this!

  10. I made calzones this week! Definitely need to tweak my recipe and find a better one, though.

  11. That looks delicious! I always make pizza but now I am going to try calzones!

  12. I love Applegate products

  13. I've only tried a few of their products and love them. I'd love to incorporate more Applegate foods into my life, especially for PIZZA! I love pizza.

    Also, thanks for the idea about the zucchini boats. I'll get some zucchini in my next organic produce delivery so I'll add this to the docket, too!

  14. Oh yummy! Applegate products are so tasty--it's nice to have processed meat you can actually feel good about feeding your family, too!

  15. Would love to try this out with my daughter.

  16. Love to make this with my granddaughters.

  17. thanks for the giveaway

  18. oooo what great pizza supplies!

    daniellex at gmail dot com

  19. We love Applegate's frozen Chicken and Maple Breakfast Sausage and their frozen chicken tenders. It would be so awesome to try their new pepperoni!


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