Thursday, August 2, 2012

Mom in the shot {Seeing myself}

I find myself looking in the mirror a lot, but not in the traditional sense but in the seeing myself in my daughter sense.
The physical similarities are undeniable... 

I feel myself working everyday to make sure she shines.
That I force myself to sit back and let her work her magic.
There is a little bit of me rubbed off in there for sure.
But I strive to keep it at a minimum.
But in the end if she turned into me, would that be a bad thing?

Linking up with Emily...


  1. That side by side is pretty crazy!

  2. That's craaaazy. Your like.. interjoined twins. Hah.

  3. oh wow. the similarities are amazing.

  4. ohmyGOSH!! what a cool idea. unbelievable how much she resembles you, amy!

  5. Wow!! That is incredible how much she looks like you!

  6. That is such a fun picture! It's crazy how much the two of you look alike!

  7. whoa! that is a way cool idea! i look so much like my mom that i should try it out too!

  8. Funny but awesome! Great idea, you guys look so much alike!

  9. That is awesome! You can see so many of the similarities!

  10. WOW!! What an amazing photo... how fun that you look so much alike! Your hubs must love this one... two favorite faces!!!

  11. That's equal parts amazing and crazy! :) Beautiful shots��.


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