Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Arm Candy Swap Party!

A few weeks ago I signed up for an Arm Candy Swap Party.
Cause I love me some candy.

And when I got my partner email, I am not going to lie I was a little confused and had to read it twice.
First my partners name was Amy, last I checked that was mine.
Then I read she lived in Florida, hello my address is in Florida.
And her an answer to her to her childhood celebrity crush was Joe McIntyre, my childhood walls where plastered with Joey Mc, posters like it was wallpaper.
Which made me think Leonora had lost her mind and partnered me up with myself.

But NO, there is actually another one of me out there, its

So then my mind went to holy crap Leonora partnered me with a legit jewelry maker.
And by legit people, I mean she is even living her dream of opening a brick and mortar shop!!!
Then it came to actually making bracelets for a legit jewelry maker.
Yep, that much anxiety, haha.
So after making her candy, I sent it off.
With fingers crossed that nothing broke before she could get a photo of it!
Then Amy reassured me, it was all good in the hood since she actually had REAL jewelry making tools, not her husbands tool box tools, so she could fix it!

 Then my package came, I was over moon with the fun items Amy made for me!
I loved the variety in the bracelets, making them for fun all different outfits.



I would have included more shots of me wearing them, BUT I have some seriously veiny old lady hands that I did not want you to lose your breakfast!

It was super fun to go out side my comfort zone and make jewelry and a new friend!
Thanks Leonora and Ilene for hosting such a fun swap.

Now head over to see all the swap partners links!


  1. Visiting from the link up! Love the bracelets! I too wasn't excited about sharing a picture of me wearing my bracelet... I won't be a hand model anytime soon! haha :)

  2. LOVE your bracelets! And the ones you made her...AMAZING..seriously, I want to buy them! :)

  3. These are all so pretty! Don't be shy about showing your hands, no one else is as critical as ourselves! :)

  4. Woot woot! Amy, I think we're bonded for life. You're going to laugh when you see my post, I went back to those NKOTB days. Hope you enjoy your goodies as much as I'm enjoying mine!

  5. Love the leather wrapped bracelet and that purple! What fun stuff. You did a great job with what you sent too.

  6. I love all your bracelets! What a fun swap idea :)

  7. you are too funny and always make me laugh! loved this post and loved these bracelets! thanks so much for joining our party, friend! xo

  8. i love all the bracelets, such fun colors!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  9. Sorry to comment twice, but would you mind sharing where you got that pink stone for the other Amy's bracelet you made? I am obsessing over it - I must have one! :)

  10. amy squared fo lyfe!!!! i love the variety of them, perfect for pairing with different outfits <3 LOVE YA BOO

  11. Nice bracelets! I love the colors.

  12. Gosh, I'm laughing so hard reading your post. Especially the first part about Leonora's email. It sounds like a match made in heaven to me. Love the bracelets! Both the ones you made and received have lovely colors!

  13. The wrap bracelet with the Daisy is super cute!


  14. How pretty :)


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