Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sponsor Highlight with A Pearantly Sew

Ali from A Pearantly Sew, is one of those people you know if you ever got to meet in real life, you would hold on tight and never let go of. Which reminds me, I need to ask her if she is up for adopting a 32 yr old before we meet, cause that could get awkward. :)
Ali took a few seconds of her busy day running a shop, household, and taking care of her adorable boys to answer a few questions.

- You attend a lot of blogging conferences, what is the best piece of advice you have taken from them?
My favorite quote from all of the blog conferences I've attended is this...
"When you start pursuing passion, people take notice." - Jeff Goins

-What's an average in your world look like?
An average day for us includes lots of Lego play for the boys, lots of coffee & hot tea for Mama, a little crafting, a little housework, outside play if the weather permits, and dinosaurs...always dinosaurs. Also, we are big fans of lounging around in our jammies :)

- If you had an extra $1000 to spend, no guilt and no worries, what would you do with it?
If I had an extra $1,000 to spend I would go on a nice vacation with my hubby. He travels a lot for work and I feel like we never get enough time together.

These pillows covers she made are part of a little project I have in the works, can't wait to share them once its complete!

Thanks again Ali for sharing a little of yourself with us!

If you have not checked out Ali's shop, I highly recommend it, she is a talented seamstress that makes some beautiful items.

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