Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sponsor Highlight with Jessica N Designs {discount code}

Jessica N Designs is a beautiful shop owned by guess who?! Jessica N! She is a super sweetie with a wonderful eye for design. Jessica was nice enough to indulge me and answer a few questions...

- Where do you draw inspiration from?
I find that most inspiration comes to me when I am least expecting it...when I am on a walk, watching a movie, in the shower...those types of things. I also am very inspired by weddings, I browse wedding blogs like style me pretty and 100 layer cake all the time! SO much inspiration there, from the colors, the decor, the romance...I am already married, but I guess I am a true romantic at heart!

- What's your art background?
I was TERRIBLE in art...I remember getting an F on a painting in Junior High! I was terrified to go to art class, I am not artistic, I can not draw or paint or anything like that! But I am a DIY kind of gal! I always look at things and think "I could do that!" That is really how my business got started! I got my first stamp set from my hubby for Christmas and taught myself how to hand stamp!

- What's your biggest dream for your shop?
I actually started as a hobby, so where I am now is such a surprise and blessing to me!! A little secret dream of mine is to have one of my pieces featured in a wedding magazine like Bride Magazine or Martha Stewart Weddings! (not so secret anymore!) But just to be able to continue doing what I love, creating things people treasure & providing some income for my family is my dream!

Thank you again Jessica for taking the time for us to get to know you a wee bit better.
And A SUPER big thanks for offering a 15% off discount for my readers!!!
Just enter BUGGIEANDBEAN at checkout!
So what are you waiting for go buy something!!


  1. This just got me super excited! Til I saw she the jewelry piece I wanted has been sold! Just my luck! :(

  2. I wanted to let you know thanks so much for organizing the fun blogger night... hope we can all do it again!I just love your blog, very cute


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