Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What we ate Wednesday {Grilled Romaine and Flank Steak Salad with Balsamic Onion Bacon Dressing}

This recipe is adapted from my StepMommie's without actually having the recipe, so
not sure what is true to hers or not, haha!
But its super easy and SOOOOO tasty.

What you will need:
- Heads of romaine, you will use half per person.
- Flank steak
- 7 slices bacon cooked and crumbled
- blue cheese
- garlic
- small red onion {diced}
- balsamic glaze
- tomato
- olive oil
- a beer

Season your steak with salt and pepper, marinate with 2 tbsp garlic, 2 tbsp olive oil, and the beer. I would let sit on the corner for an hour.

Then grill your steaks 7 mins per side.

While you grill the steaks, trim the tops of the romaine and half them. Brush with olive oil and salt and pepper. Once the steak is done, grill the romaine until it gets a little char and welts a bit.

While the grilling is happening, in a small non stick pan cook the onion over medium high heat until it starts to brown.

Add half the bacon and 2 tbsp of the balsamic glaze. Cook for about 4 minutes. then right before serving add the rest of the bacon. Add more glaze if necessary.

To plate place a piece of the romaine, some sliced steak, blue cheese and the dressing. To add a little color some diced tomato on the side.



  1. oh my goodness that looks so much better then what we ate last night! im not too good at grilling and the hubby was working late. plus, i undercooked the brussels sprouts and overcooked the steak...but the beets and cukes were perfect:) we ended up having a picnic in the trailer so i totally redeemed myself with the location:)

  2. OH MY YUM!!!!!!! I can come over for dinner? ;)

  3. That looks delicious...making me hungry and I already ate lunch :(

  4. I want to eat this SO bad RIGHT NOW!

  5. Oh my goodness. Please come over and cook for me. Now.


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