Thursday, August 25, 2011

Food Art

A few weeks ago, Lindsay came up with the best hashtag
ever created.

And ever since then a little community of Momma's wanting to make fun unique plates of food has joined forces on Instagram.

I know we are not inventing the wheel and that there are some Mommas with MAD skills out in the blog-o-sphere, ie Meet the Dubiens.
But this group is super fun cause we get to see and inspire one another.

Here are my contributions so far...

{Mr Robot-o-wich}

{Flower Power}

{Somewhere Over the Pancake Rainbow}


{The Bagel Digger}

{Rapunzel Rapunzel let Down your Cheese}

Yes my crowning moment was braiding string cheese to resemble Rapunzels hair.

If you decided to join the fun, which I hope you do, it comes with a warning "Add at least another half an hour to your grocery time." Because you will find yourself picking everything up and thing to yourself "Know what can I make this into..."

Make it fun!


  1. They are all cute but Rapunzel has got to be my favorite!

  2. I am dying.
    "crowning moment"
    Um, you need to live closer so we could go out b/c I need an Amy fix.
    I found another mama blogger that did food yesterday and I think I am going to try to do a heart art feature on her.

  3. do you follow domessticated? this is what she posted today:)

  4. I'm so glad I found your blog today. Not only do I love it, and think it's gorgeous, but MY name is "Buggie" as well! (Oh, the things we call our kids! LOL) Love it.

  5. So fun. I think my daughter would completely flip over Tangled for lunch. Nice work!

  6. Oh my gosh, this is so cool! You're food art is pretty impressive friend, really. I so want to join in, buuuut I don't have instragram AND I'm not sure I could come up with something quite so neat. When those two things remedy themselves (i'll do some practice runs, haha!) then I'll be posting with the rest of you!

  7. I may or may not play with my food a lot more now that I have followed you on Instagram for several months ;)

    None are worth a photoshoot though... you are superduper creative with yours!


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