Friday, August 19, 2011

A week thru Iphone pics...

Monday brought its fair share of challenges right off the bat.
Bean in time out for the first time that day, at 8:30am
To say we were not friends that day was an understatement.
But we hugged it out and we are cool now...

Buggies stash for back to school. Complete with her MANDATORY Twinkle Toes, UGH. But I know I would have wanted them too at her age...

Everyday, I come into the living room and they are in some kid of pretzel shape on the floor...

I love watching them playing together, each day it gets more and more involved. Here Buggie was swaddling her "baby"...

After a week and the beach, I came home more blonde and tan then all summer long...

Happy kitchen colors...

Making new recipes, Have I told you how much I love to cook for my family?!

Oh and homemade peach cobbler for dessert, please and thank you!

Yesterday was jammed pack, first we surprised the kiddies and took them to Typhoon Lagoon...

And for some reason Disney finds it ok to sell mini fresh doughnuts at a place where people are walking around in bathing suits. Lets just say they were DELICIOUS, which made me totally forgot about my skinny fat situation I had going on...

Bean and his Nemo bucket...

Buggie said it was the best surprise ever {PS she says this at every surprise *wink*}

Then last night we headed to meet Buggies kindergarten teacher...

Finding her cubbie...

Her best bud is in her class, they have known each other since 3 mnths old!

Then this morning this happened...he is such a dude.

Lastly this picture is actually from last week. But I wanted to share. It makes my heart sing every time I look at it. I pray everyday that their love for each other grows more and more each and everyday...


  1. I have "pretzel" pics of of my 2 girls!! Love that analogy! And your last pic is so precious..melts my heart everytime I see my 2 showing their sibling love!

  2. Love all your pictures! My oldest is starting preschool and I have no idea what to expect, I'm freaking out a little!!! Ahh!! P.s. I want to live in Florida so bad just so I can have surprise Disney days :) p.p.s. How do you edit your pictures to have 2 or more pictures in them on your phone??

  3. omg, mine starts kindergarten in two weeks and HAD to have twinkle toes, too! they sit proudly in her closet awaiting her first day! :)

  4. Oh my goodness! That last picture is just too much!!!

  5. what a great week in pics!! :) yall are just the cutest little fam!!

  6. I would be staring at that last pic too! That is precious!

  7. love your fun and sweet photos!! :)

  8. Great pictures, Amy! I love the last one. Hope you are doing well! Maybe soon, we can meet up with the little ones :-)

  9. Thanks for sharing, love all the pictures! I need to find a cool app for photos for my android

  10. How precious is this!! Esp the last pic. I have a twin brother and a little brother and we are all super close. Your last picture reminds me of them. :) thank you!



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