Monday, August 22, 2011

Individual Smoothies in Mason Jars.

I saw this idea floating around the web and had to try it myself.
See my kids are HUGE smoothie drinkers.
Buggie is not much of a breakfast kid, so it really help get something in her belly.
Any who.
You will need a blender.
Mason Jars

Your smoothie ingredients. Here is what I use...

I have never measured when making smoothies, just eye ball it.

Unscrew the bottom of the blender...

Then screw on the mason jar...

And blend.

I have to say its a easy way to make smoothies for individual tastes....
BUT honestly beyond that not REALLY sure on the benefit, other then its cute!
And lets be honest cute goes a loooong way, when you are a bored SAHM.

I can imagine making party drinks would come in handy for it.

Easy Peasy.

Now I am off to send my little baby girl to kindergarten
Oh and for some reason the winner of the mini pie maker never responded, for the shame. So went back to work and choose....

Mrs Chaney email me for your pie maker!


  1. I've been wanting to try this, but im paranoid I will break my blender!!!

  2. Man I've been seeing this idea float around blog land too and want to try it! I'm so mad at myself though, cause my blender broke (it was plastic and not glass) and I threw that hole piece away- blade part and all and kept the motor part! :(

  3. You can screw a mason jar directly onto a blender???? wow!!! I had no idea :) What a cool post, thanks!


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