Thursday, May 19, 2011

Embrace the Camera May 19th {Its a party!}

Ello governor.
Welcome if you are coming over from The Anderson Crew.
I am honored that Emily has trusted me to host Embrace the Camera this week.
It's a little bit of a cowinky dink, that I am hosting today since yesterday I spent most of the day with the three youngest Andersons babysitting them.

Iphone's hold special powers.
Powers to take any situation and make it that much more fun.
The kids had a blast taking turns taking pictures.
Here is a few from our day together.

Two little monkeys on my back. And man I am glad I have a hair appointment next week after seeing those roots in this picture.

The conversations between these two were pretty funny.

My little buddy.

Jazz hands.

Sweet little girl.

Silly face time.

Nolan and I both took naps, we are not use to all that energy on a wednesday.
Please put in a little extra pray for Emily and that she overcomes this sickness, soon.

Now its you turn to share.

There is a few "rules" to link up:
here's the nitty gritty:
1. take a picture with you and your kids/spouse/family member/friend/whatever.
2. blog about that picture and include a link to our blog, or grab our button.
3. link your blog post up on inlinkz below.
4. visit the other embracers...give each other lots of compliments about how good we look with our greasy hair andsweatpants velour jogging suits on. cause yah, we need a little boost when it's been days since our last shower.
5. have fun!

don't forget to link your embrace the camera post, not just your blog.
this is really important---and really easy.


  1. Poor Emily. Glad she has good friends like you to help out. Looks like you guys had fun.

  2. What cute pics! I love the jazz hands!

  3. Looks like you guys had a blast!

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all. What a good friend Emily has in you. Prayers are being said for her. :)

  5. You are a great friend ~ Emily is lucky to have you :)

  6. looks like fun was had by all :). thanks for helping a sister out. love you !

  7. Such fun pictures you took! Love the throw your hands in the air one :)

  8. your one great friend! wowzers. hope em gets better soon!

  9. First off - I love your blog. I just sat here and read it backwards to the beginning of the year. I SO added you to my google reader so this may possibly be the only comment you will ever get from me. Sorry, i want to be a better commenter but I do a lot of my blog reading from work and well they suck and only give me 10 min. to post comments. Second - you are hysterical and I've laughed numerous time during my reading. 3rd - you are an awesome friend to help Emily out during her sickness...I hope she feels better soon. 4th - your daughters bday party was amazing, I loved every little detail of it. And 5 - boys are definitely wired differently but they bring so much joy!! My 3 yr. old is always giving us a story.

  10. Prayers sent up for Emily... What a good friend to keep the littles for her.

  11. Haha! iPhones DO have special powers!!! Love all your pics.

  12. What a great friend you are. Loved your post and your comments on all those hysterical pics.

  13. That's nice of you to take over the linky party and the kids! but both are gorgeous so how could one refuse.

  14. Very nice of you to help out a friend! Looks like a fun and crazy day. I must I see your son with his hand in his pants while he's loungin in the couch with his homey?! I thought only men did this! LOL!


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