Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mom in the shot Apr 20th {I will call him mini me}

When I had Buggie, it took me some time to get over how much we look alike.
I mean it scared me a bit, I am not going to lie.
So after Bean was born and he came out as a mini version of Hubs, I just laughed.
Now he will look at me and says, "Its freaky how much he looks like me."

And when they do stuff like this.
It is REALLY freaky.
No joke, they did the exact same thing back to back to back.
{insert Austin Powers voice}
"I will call him Mini Me."

Linking up with Em.


  1. just adorable! it is SO crazy how these little people look so much like us!

  2. mini me's are the can't deny them even in those know the ones. where you go, "oh no, they're just like me!" lol. cute pics of the hubs and his mini Bean <3

  3. austin powers stuck in my head all day now!!! awesome! ha!

    your boys and those pictures are adorable1 i need to get daddy over here embracing the camera more!

  4. Your Bean is quite possibly the cutest little boy I have ever seen! His white blond hair and funny expressions are to die for!

  5. Love these pics!!! Beautiful Amy!!

  6. Soo funny! My kids look exactly like my brother's kids, which is just wrong!

  7. Genetics are a crazy thing. When I see how much my daughter looks like me when I was her age, it freaks me out too. Love your shots of the boys.

  8. This is awesome! Your blog is adorable. Love the header!


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