Monday, April 11, 2011

A fun meetup with bad pictures. {Boba winner announced}

*A quick note. Thank you everyone who commented last friday. I have to say half way through the day I wanted to remove the post, I was starting to feel I was making people feel bad. And that was not my intention. So many apologizes if that is how I am across.*

Friday night I picked up Em and we headed to Coco Beach to meet Lindsay and Danielle.
Let me take a second to describe the bar atmosphere.
I am going to say there was at least a 40 year age gap between us and everyone else there.
I could not stop staring and taking in all the snow birds.
It was clear that they were regulars.
And man did they have a lock down on the bar, not one of them moving an inch afraid someone
might snag their spot.
They all had their OWN glasses with them, from wine glasses with handmade little attached coasters to beer mugs.
It was a lot to take in, I loved every second of it.

Danielle, Lindsay {baby Jack the sweetest little dinner date ever} and Em.
Not sure what was up with taking pictures but it was a funny process. There was for sure some out takes.

I am pretty sure I will hear about this one. Ha. I find it funny to snap pics when people aren't ready, is that mean?!

Then we attempted a group shot. Um, yeah this was not working...

So while we waited 30 mins for our drinks to arrive, I went over to the table next to us where a cute older couple were having dinner. I asked polity "I hate to interrupt but would mind taking a picture of us?" Then I get the hand up to the ear, "HUH?!" Me a little louder "DO You MIND Taking A Picture OF Us?!" "HUH?!" and the wife looks confusingly at the husband. And he leans in to her and says "THEY WANT YOU TO TAKE THEIR PICTURE." She smiles. "Oh". I smirk and try not to laugh but it SOO reminds me of my grandparents and trying to have a conversation with them...

But she rocked the camera. Thanks little old lady.

So the pictures are not the greatest but the night sure was. It was so too short but it was so sweet to meet my friends. We had great conversation, no piercing or tattoos, but that can always be done next time.


And the Boba Carrier winner is...

Elizabeth reach out to me via email within the next 48hrs or I will need to pick some new
Boba Carrier winner is...


  1. looks like you ladies had some fun!!

  2. Do you hate me or something? Cause nobody looks bad in those pictures but me.

  3. tell Em to hushomouth cause I say I'm looking rough. We could have cropped out half of me...keep people thinking I weigh 25 pounds less :)

  4. I love your honesty. Although my blog is new I see how many people look at a post and I am like surely I made you think something good or bad. I actually have to change my blog due to my hubbys work and I am purposely trying to make it more interactive! I was one of the readers who never commented I think because I also don't want people to know I read daily LOL Dont want you all think I am stocking you :)

  5. Oh crud I posted on the wrong post, oh geese you know what I mean and where it was supposed to go LOL SOOOOO jealous of your girls time wish I had it!

  6. um. how about the second to last one of me… my hair. my face. what.

    LOVE them all though. regardless of what faces we're making!

  7. Okay ladies....I heard talks of tats and where are THOSE pics??? Once again I am totally jealous I don't get to hang with you like this :(

  8. haha. I love old people too. That's funny.

  9. you guys are toats adorbs, for reals.


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