Friday, April 8, 2011

*Bad Blogger Alert*

-This post may across as needy and insecure.
-The photos in this post has nothing to do with it.
But I can not post without pictures.

We all like comments, lets be real.
And when you put all this time and energy into a post that gets two, or *sigh* ZERO comments,
it hurts.
My head starts spinning thinking what did I say, what didn't I say?
And it is never good when you hop onto another blog and see they have a 30 comment a day minimum. {insert insecurity}
I know I should not be comparing my life or blog to others but it is hard not to do.

{what you do not have a coozie for your icecream?!}

But then I am like hey wait, how many comments did I leave today?
One? Maybe two out of the 100 or so blogs I have in my reader.
Thats not cool.

{I went in and survived}

How can I expect people to do something that I have not been doing. I have decided I need to change this. Your life and blog is just as lovely as mine and why not give lovin to both.
Jami blogged about it awhile back, encouragement along friends should be done period.

{could you spare a square?}

So I have committed myself to be a more active commenter. Someone who pulls post up outside reader and leaves comments.
Ones that have some meaning, substance, encouragement, love and support.

{think its time for a new bra when you see this?}

So here is the deal I want to start this off on a good foot. I am adding a linky to this post a place for you to leave the link to a post, that you feel got neglected, overlooked and is in need of bloggin lovin. And over the weekend I am making a promise to read them and leave a comment on each of them. You do not need to commit to that but maybe commit to 5 or 10.
Lets join together and share some love.

All the photos in this post came from my instagram account: bugandbeansmomma


  1. I feel the same way! I comment like mad on people's blogs and mine will get like 3, which is fine, but sometimes, as you said, discouraging. Sometimes it makes me not want to blog because I feel like no one is reading. Sigh.

  2. i've felt the same way lately. been trying to reach out more-- i keep reminding myself that the purpose of my blog is to sort of escape. it's a place for me to get things "out", and that if no one comments, it's still serving its purpose. but it's hard when you write over and over and no one comments. so, i took a week off blogging (this past week) to remind myself that the blog isn't what makes or breaks me. not at all saying that's your solution, trust me! i can't wait to get back into blogging next week though.

  3. so on the spot, maybe I should put a sticky on my monitor that says "leave more comment love"!
    and I TOTALLY hate when my bras do that, ugh, I mean aren't bras built to last 3-4 years with constant use and washer and dryer abuse without one of those lingerie bags? who has time to put their bras in a special bag that has like zippers and stuff.

  4. I know the feeling! And I find sometimes the weirdest posts of mine get so many comments, and other posts I work so hard on get nothing! I can't figure it out! So I am putting myself out there more and commenting too!

  5. I love your blog, and I am sorry you feel this way....I am guilty of leaving not many comments, but the truth is....if i find even a small sec of my day, I jump on here and read your blog....but may not always comment as I have a toddler pulling on me saying mommy mommy, But I do read you blog every single day and I LOVE IT!!!

  6. I know what you mean! But first I want to say I'm sorry for not leaving comments that much... not just here either. I'm bad about reading a post, and loving it, but I never leave a comment. I've tried to get better, but I think my mind is still stuck in Dial-up mode. Maybe today {or tonight since I'm hitting the yard sales!} I'll try to leave a comment on every post I read!!

    -Many Smiles!

    {Oh, and the bra pick, yeah I feel like I'm there all the time! But I did get two new bras yesterday! Two at a time is like a miracle for me! :D}

  7. What a great idea! I think we have all felt that way at times. And can I just say...the bra wire? too funny! Been there girl :)

  8. i know i go through comment spells. sometimes i comment a few days in a row, then go dry. i don't know why, i just do. sometimes i feel like i can comment on every post and i guess maybe i don't want to come across as being a stalker:) you know we love your blog girl!

  9. I am the worst commenter EVER....I read LOTS of blogs, too many really and rarely ever leave a comment. I will try to do better...

    And no I don't have a coozie for my ice cream but dang it I think I need one!

  10. I hear ya sister! But then again I'm not the most dedicated blogger so I can't expect comments when I don't post often :)

  11. Your blog is my favorite one to read in the whole wide world! Even if you don't talk about the man in the sky ;)

    And I'm not saying that just because you happen to be a super rad friend and will be my roomate in 3 months!

    I look forward to your posts just as much as I look forward to a shower....and believe me that's HUGE. I'm pretty sure most of us feel the same way. I give away some super awesome stuff on my blog and have almost 600 followers yet there are only about 20 people entering....what the heck!? But know that no matter what you post about, whether it's your bra, your skinny fat, a recipe, a giveaway, more people look forward to it than you can imagine! You're just cool like that!!

    Oh and I hope my suggestion didn't piss you off ;) I just know how much I hate those things and thought you probably didn't know since you're not commenting on your own posts!

    Luv ya girl and if I lived closer I'd come and hug your neck!! Xoxox

  12. ugh, i feel the same way! but i've found that the more comments i left, the more i got on my posts too & my readership grew.
    first i had to slim down the # of blogs i was reading every day. when i had 300+ posts in my reader daily, i was more focused on reading ALL of them instead of commenting & connecting with the bloggers, ya know?
    another thing that I did to help me comment was pull the NEXT button onto my toolbar. instead of reading in my reader, it just jumps to the next post in my list ON the blog. so that person gets more pageviews AND i'm much more likely to comment. (i even wrote about it:

    wow super long comment batman!

  13. I agree!! Thanks for the reminder~! And that "bra picture" HAHAHA! Love it! Have an awesome weekend!

  14. I rarely receive comments on my blog... sometimes I get that same insecure feeling that people really don't care what I have to say. But then I remind myself (no matter how hard it is) that I am doing this for me. If people read it, cool; if not, I'll probably get over it. And truthfully ... I only have 9 followers and I can't expect my parents to comment EVERY time I jot something down.

    Love your blog girl, read it everyday and will do my best to have some encouraging words in the future. :)

  15. great idea!
    ..for the longest time i thought the post was called "bad blogger ART" and i was like schwatttt? I LOVE THE PICS.

    then i saw it said alert.
    love the bra wire hahaha

  16. I defintely notice when I put "out" more I get more back. But there are obvious days that we have other obligations or do not have the time to make a ton of comments. I think the linky idea is a great idea! I also think it is good to at least try to comment once or twice a week on a blog you read, if you can't do it daily.

  17. Yep, been there (with being sad about no comments) and done that (not leaving comments on the blogs I enjoy every yours)! I'm working on it, but sometimes it's hard to remember to comment when you're plowing through the reader at the end of a long day!

    LOVE the pics in this post though...the ice cream cozie is brilliant and I'm pretty sure you broke into my house and took a pic of our playroom there (I'm scared of even looking in there right now!).

    Have a great weekend!!!!

  18. oh you...stop that with your insecurity. i look forward to reading your posts. and so do others, but it's good to call them out occasionally. props!

    and the bra wire...amazing. i have like 3 of those bras. need to go in the trash...

  19. Been there!
    And your pictures? Every one of them made me laugh :)

  20. I read your blog everyday, I keep up with your facebook comments & posts. I know you in "real life" not just Bloggy World, I think you are amazing, creative & a great momma ~ I RARELY share love on blogs. I never felt bad about it until this post. I guess I didnt really see the need ~ I promise to comment more :)

  21. I read your blog everyday! I love it! I don't comment though. Sorry. Know your blog is loved! :) :)

  22. I feel like this all the time. Every time I visit a linky party I try and leave comments, but rarely get anything back. Makes you feel kind of foolish. And it's funny that you have these same insecurities because I look at your blog and think, "Why aren't I like her?!"

  23. Great idea. I have admitted to being a comment whore, but I rarely get them. I have good days and bad days about the insecurities that arise from that. I may not always comment, but I always love your blog. And my littles loved the chicken, yellow rice and peas recipe btw.

  24. i totally heart you!
    btw, yes mama needs a new bra! LOL

  25. Holy Moly. Stop reading my mind! I feel the EXACT same way. I leave comments like a mad woman, but only sometimes get a handful. Oh well. It's hard to not let it get to you!

  26. Opps...I am a lurker, I stop by every day because I love your honesty and your funniness. I dont have a blog myself but really appreciate the time and effort thats put in to everyone else's. I will comment more often!! Maybe... Thanks :) Andrea (from New Zealand)

  27. I can pretty much say DITTO to all of those comments above {and to what you said}. I feel like the only people who ever read my blog are the parents and maybe a friend or two. I'll never forget the day YOU commented on my blog...I was all, "OMG. She read my blog. I have to start putting something more interesting up besides pictures of my child going down the slide!" Ha. Yours is a fun read - I think if I told you that daily, I'd sort of look like a stalker.

    But, I will say, I think THIS post of mine is sort of comment worthy!

  28. I am a new follower and love your blog! and i totally feel ya. Its amazing ho encouraged i feel DAILY by reading peoples blog, but I know I need to encourage THEM more by telling them how much I appreciate them!....I appreciate you! :)

  29. great post. i agree and it is something i go back and forth on. sometimes i care about getting comments and other days, it matters. i think it depends on the post. i really love commenting on other though. and i owe you an apology, i've been following you for about a month and have never commented - this will change :) have a happy weekend!

  30. I am 100% guilty of this as well. I rarely comment (and I don't even look at blogs in reader!) but still wonder why people don't comment on some of my posts.

    I have noticed though, that the posts I get done the night before and schedule to run around 6 or 7am central time, get the most love.

  31. My hubby had to beg me to get new bras (sadly I was still wearing nursing bras and no I was not nursing). Totally feel ya on comments, sometimes you work so hard and no love to show for it. We can all learn from this, I need to be better about my bloggy love : )

  32. I always tell my students to write something that gives me something to write about...but, blogging may be a bit different. I wish for more comments, but don't need them. I love to leave comments and to let others know that what they have to write is meaningful, universal and important. What you write here will inspire us all to link up, to comment, to share the fun. Thank you. ~Kelly

  33. Here is some blog love!! :) I love your blog..really I do.. Hilarious the picture that you posted of your fact that happens more often with my bras I hate it!! :) You made me laugh..thank you.. I do read your blog all the time...and I love it! :)

  34. Well, it takes a little guts to show your bra wire sticking out. Kudos to you. I feel the same way sometimes. I put a lot of heart and soul into some posts and not see a response. I feel ya.

  35. Hey! you stole my bra ;) I wish I could comment more, I barely even read blogs anymore on the actual computer, sometimes I try to catch up with my phone, but it's hard to comment.

  36. i agree with you we all want a little love.

  37. well obviously the whole world agrees with this post! ha! 37 comments? wowza. i feel the same way as all the lovely ladies above and yourself. it is somewhat discouraging when you put a lot of effort into something and hardly get any feedback and you see other people doing the same thing and hitting the jackpot of comments. what can you do? just gotta keep on keepin' on i guess! and just keep being you. {p.s. this is the first time i've been to your bloggy by the way and i lurve it!} i'll be your newest follower in about 20 seconds.


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