Monday, March 28, 2011

Weekend Wedding Away

We traveled this weekend to Valdosta, GA.
My little cousin was getting married.

To say the planation where they choose to exchange vows was picturesque is a HUGE understatement.

I took this picture of the alter at the rehearsal dinner . And after it popped up on my phone, I was in awe of the heart shape lined out by the trees and moss.

Getting ready. She looked stunning and was so clam.

The back of the house. I want to live there, BIG TIME.

I had given her these little charms. Perfect addition to the rustic feel of the wedding.

Bean rocked a bowtie. Um, cuteness factor was OFF THE CHAIN.

My Uncle walking his baby girl down the aisle.

The Mr. & Mrs.

The only picture I got of both my kids together...

My Dad showed Bean the finer points of hanging a spoon on your nose.

Buggie got in some much needed crazy cousin time.

Now I need to recoup from our mini vacay, crazy how that happens.
Might not see me tomorrow but make sure to come back on Wednesday for....

And the fact that I am 4 peeps sigh from 700 has not been overlooked.
Thank you to all of you who follow the ramblings of this Momma.
I am adding a little something extra to the giveaway day, check it before you wreck it!


  1. What a gorgeous wedding! LOVE LOVE that house.

  2. so fun! love all the pics...wishing it didn't SNOW here yesterday. what the H.

  3. Aw!!! Ali looked BEAUTIFUL! LOVE that plantation!

  4. What a beautiful magical weekend. Happy Week to Ya'll.

  5. STILL cannot believe you were down the street.

  6. Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the pics! PS - Bean totally rocked the bowtie!


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