Thursday, April 5, 2012

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers

Its already that time of the year again for us, birthday party planning. 
Buggie is going to be 6, this month, 6 people.
She was just 3 when I started this blog, time is just slipping by.

So this year "we" could not decided on a theme, it went from Barbie to Spy Kids to Strawberry Shortcake with in a span of 15 minutes.  So to reign her in, I purposed that I just make it "super pretty". And she actually AGREED!

I had pinned these giant paper flowers, and knew I wanted to make them.  I adapted them to how I wanted to use them and make them.

Here is what I used:
- Crepe Paper {I bought this}
- A tear dropped shaped template, the one I made was 7 1/2 long and 4 1/2 at its widest point
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
- A pencil 
- Floral tape

First thing I did was cut between 12 - 18 petals, I wanted the flowers to be different sizes {as noted in the tutorial I used to base my flowers off of, cut the paper on the vertical}
Then pulling slightly at the edges, bring the petals up like in a cupping movement.  Then take a pencil and curl the top out in the opposite direction you cupped it in.

Then to start roll on petal into itself and hot glue the bottom to create a center.

Then start layering. The biggest difference with what i did and the original tutorial was I did not use the heart shaped petals.  I found them to be too heavy and did not shape the way I wanted.

Just keep layering and gluing as you go to get the fullness of the flower.  Then to secure it a little floral tape around the bottom.

I would say you can get around three to four {depending how big you make the flowers} per roll of crepe paper.  I have BIG plans for the flowers once they are all made.  

Super excited to see it all come together.
Stay tuned for more!

In other party related news, Bean's Paper Airplane First Birthday was featured in a local magazine!!! It was super cool for Playground to find it worthy and feature it!

And another fun little announcement! I was beyond honor to have a picture of Bug and Bean picked to be part of the Le Papire Studio's Spring Collection!  Check it out here.


  1. Wow you have allot of things going on :-)

    I can't believe she is going to be 6!!!
    Love the flowers and love that you both settled on it being a super pretty birthday :-)

  2. You throw the most amazing parties! Looking forward to seeing the final product!

  3. those flowers are beautiful! ive missed you in blogland. hope all is well. congrats on the features:)


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