Thursday, March 1, 2012

embrace the Camera {Mar1 my love}

Buggie has always been emotional type of kiddie.
But as of late it seems to be in full force.
Not sure if its because she is turning 6 in two months, but lately she has been saying things like "Momma I liked it when I was little."
"Momma I NEVER want to leave you, never ever."
Then after asking her why, she will say "I was cute and little."
We keep reassuring her, that getting bigger is super fun.
Like when she and Mommy get to go get froyo on a random week night...

And that no matter how big is gets, she will ALWAYS be my little baby girl. And I will always be there for her, to love, to nourish, and to have a good snuggle with.

Oh my sweet Buggie...


  1. so sweet! my little guy is doing the same. but he is worried about dealth right really worried about it. no matter what i say he never feels better about it. just breaks my heart.

  2. Oh, the last shot! Love, love, love :) She is a sweetie... and very blessed to have a mama who wants to be sensitive to her growing feelings and needs. Love this.

  3. That is such a sweet snuggle shot--I love it!

  4. So sweet. My oldest is 15 and she still talks about staying in Tucson, going to the UofA, and sticking her own place of course. Maybe that's how Buggie will be, too. :)

  5. They are thinking the same thing we are! How come they can't stay small forever?!

  6. Aww.. so sweet. It is good you encouraged her there are good things about growing up! I do wish they could stay little forever!

  7. Great photos! I love following you on instagram, your pictures are always great!

  8. adorable! and I LOVE LOVE your header for your blog with the portraits = awesome. Did you draw those?


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