Monday, February 13, 2012

A strawberry pickin we will go....

Saturday was one of those days, that as a Mom I knew was good for memories.
It was a crisp morning, clear blue skies, and plenty of strawberries ready for pickin.
Bug, Bean, and I met up with our friends Sara and Lilly, for what Lilly calls "strawbellies".

It had rained most the day and night before, which made for some fun muddy puddles.

Lilly will be a new big sister come May, so it is super sweet to see her watching Avery be a big sister.

Nolan thought we should buy some dirt. I think we had about much dirt in his basket as we did strawberries.

We filled three baskets with beautiful ruby red berries, for $7. I love shopping local, supporting small family owned businesses, and eating fresh.

Yep it was a good day for memories...

Ended up making lemon pound cake and making a simple strawberry topping...

Hope your weekend was filled with lovely memories....

Oh and before I go, I had a pancake request Sunday.
For Barbie.
Well, three tries and half a box of pancake mix later, she got what some might say is more a like a drag queen Barbie.
Notice that strong manly chin and what seems to be an adams apple?!
She did not care and was all smiles...


  1. that looks sooo fun and yummy! i can't wait for austin to grow up so i can take him to fun things like this!

  2. Love me some strawberries! Those ones look especially delicious :)

  3. FUN!!!! I miss going strawberry picking! <3

  4. Looks like you all had so much fun! And I am so forwarding this post to my friend ;-)

  5. So jealous you are strawberry picking and we are freezing out here in NC where it should be warm! Okay, not freezing, because it's 55 or something, but still cold... Just found your blog and it looks like fun! Visit me sometime at!


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