Monday, December 5, 2011

We play with our food.

I realized it has been awhile since I have shared on the blog any of the lunches I have made for the kids.
I think because I share on IG and Twitter, I forget.
Any who, there is a few plates as of late...

Yes this is made from pancakes. I will do a tutorial on it soon.

Hope these bring you some food fun inspiration!

Oh not only are our lunches fun, but we usually dress up for them too :)


Hey come visit me over on Anderson Crew today, I am sharing how to make these cuties.


  1. These are amazing! I once tried to do a batman logo for my son's b-day pancakes...and it was a disaster. I'm very impressed! New follower!

  2. Goodness these are amazing! I'm so impressed!

  3. The food looks delicious. I wish it would entice my son to eat anything other than chicken and starches.

  4. Amy, these are stinkin adorable! I'm so giddy to do fun snack time when my little guy is old enough!! Saving these ideas :) Hope you and the fam are well!


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