Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Our Christmas...

A little peak at our Christmas Eve and Day through pictures...

Seriously I could take pictures of my kids all day long if they would let me.

My heart exploded when I saw this picture I snagged on my phone.

Oh Bean your little facial expression get me every time.

The table set at my parents house.

The meal I wait for ALL year long. Sour orange pork, black beans & rice, with homemade cranberry sauce.

Bean and my grandmothers dog {Wyland} got matching Christmas Eve jammers, BAHAHAHA!

Digging into their stockings.

She kept saying when she opened this "He knew! He knew! Santa knew!" I loved every second the fat guy got credit...

Her own camera, love how much she loved it.

Then there is this kid, he cracks me up. Lots of cars and trains made his day.

Hope you all had the most Merriest of Christmases!


  1. Precious little ones! I'd want to take their pics all day too! :)

  2. What wonderful Christmastime pics!!!

  3. Bean's hat in the bottom pic is the BEST part!!! Merry Christmas!

  4. instachristmas. i feel like i was there when it happened. ha!

  5. Your mothers house looks outrageously beautiful. Looks like you guys had an amazing christmas! I'm so glad to see those smiling faces! Muah!!


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