Friday, December 9, 2011

A house full of magic.

Wednesday after school something BIG happened.
One of those milestones, that for sure is sealing the fact that my little Buggie is growing up.
She lost her first tooth!!!

I may or may not have aided in the losing of the tooth by feeding her an apple.
I may or may not have done this because I wanted her to loose it at home.
I may or may not have been a little jealous if this were to have happen at school and I was not there to witness it.

Then Wednesday night she tucked her tooth under her pillow and went to sleep.
And when she woke she found this...

Lenny our scout Elf and the Tooth Fairy had a hot chocolate date.
The Tooth Fairy even left behind a little bit of pixie dust with bum prints.
You should have heard the giggles from my little girl.
These moments are what I cherish, making my daughters childhood memories filled with wonder and magic.

And guess what the tooth next to it is super loose too!
I keep telling her she will get to sing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth."
Hum wonder what Lenny and the Tooth Fairy will get into next time she visits?!


  1. omg the date is ridic cute.. good one. :)

  2. My little man lost his first tooth on Tuesday eating a graham cracker, the tooth next to it is also a little wobbly. So exciting! It all happened so fast I had no time to prepare anything fun (like a little tooth fairy party)!


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