Wednesday, October 19, 2011

See you in Nov.

This weekend I bought milk that expires on Dec 1.
Dec 1 people.
Time is not flying by, its more like missing.
I feel like days of my life are just missing.
Oct has turned into one thing after another, the biggest being planning Bean's birthday.
I am starting to feel my posts are forced, which makes me cringe.
So I am going to take the rest of October off to finish up projects, line up some projects, and come up with a game plan for some new bloggie things.

One more thing before I dip, thank you for everyone who responded to the Orlando Meetup,
we are going to push it out to January, that way we can do it right and make it super special.
More details to come on this.

"Nolan how old are you?"

Those little fingers can't figure it out just yet.
See you in November!


  1. So weird..cos this is exactly how I am feeling...blogged down!! I am going to do the same, especially seeing as my eldest who is at school has the next week and a half off.....need to re-charge the batteries big time! Enjoy your time catching up with life!

  2. You'll be missed! Enjoy your time "off"!

  3. I'm glad I still get to see you in real life. ;)

  4. aww his fingers are soo cute!!! sometimes i feel like time is flying and sometimes i just feel like it's dragging! i think it depends on what im looking forward to!!

  5. Glad you aren't dippin' out on IG. Your pictures bring smiles to my face every day and I feel like I know you. (not intended to sound as creepy as it did, you know how Blogger/Social Media love is... haha)


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