Tuesday, August 16, 2011

LOOOONG over due Mini Pie Maker Winner.

Thank you all for your patience with me announcing the pie maker winner.
When my doggie passed that week, everything came to a halt.
Then we have been gone to the beach for the past week and a half.
Now we are home and gearing up for kindergarten next monday, EEK.
My house is a disaster and we have no food in the fridge.
So needless to say my mind is frantic mess.
Sooo random.org helped my out and picked comment 44...

Elysha, please email me at bugandbeansmomma@gmail.com with your address!

And once my house and mind are back in order I hope to hit you guys up with some new recipes, DIY's and other silly shenanigans!!!

Much Love!


Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...