Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I guess I am on a bloggie break?!

So it seems I fallen into a bloggie break without really knowing it.
Not really sure how this happened other then, summer brain has kicked into full effect.
Most days I walk about with this look on my face...

Wondering what to do now?
And lets be honest that does not create for the best blogging posts.
But do not worry about me, cause see, I have consumed plenty of these...

And done a lot of this...

With enough of this in-between to keep our toes nice and pruned...

So when I will be back into the swing of things, I am not really sure. But I hope soon.
Until then...
Catch on the flip side lovies!


  1. we know you're one busy momma!! can't wait to see you again soon!! xo

  2. Catcha on the flip side woman! Or in a couple wks ;)

    I want Jeremiah's sooo bad now. YUM!

  3. ya, but you're an instagram whore! hahahaha. so am i, so am it. it's so much easier than a post.

  4. I think instagram makes it a bit easier to be blog lazy.

    But I LOVE it!!

  5. I know where to find you :)
    Plus, if you don't feel like blogging you shouldn't.
    Real life is much better to be present in than IRL life.

  6. Keep up the great piece of work, I read few posts on this site and I conceive that your web site is very interesting and has got sets of excellent info .

  7. I don't know how to swim. I wish I learned how to when I was younger because now I'm too afraid to even get in a pool. :(

    I'm also hosting a package exchange and I would be delighted if you can join us! :)

       ♥ Teresa ♥
    - Pretty Dandy -


Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...