Thursday, July 7, 2011

Did you really just say that?!

My kids love each other something fierce.
Yes they fight and yes they yell at each other.
But they love each other most of all...

He says "look." Then shoves two binkies in his mouth...

This was his Dad's idea. But some how I had the aftermath of it...

My Buggies imagination makes me smile EVERYDAY. This was all her idea and she giggled the whole time...

Then there is this kid...

So you may or may not know but I had to go to the mini ER to get iv fluids last week for dehydration from the stomach bug. My Hubs had a flight that morning at 7 am, he was standing at the gate about to hand over his ticket when he decided to come home, and boy was I glad he did. Cause then around 4 that afternoon I said " I need to go to the ER." So we called my MIL and she came straight from work to watch the kiddies and off we went. When we got there it was empty to my relief. I went and sat down while Hubs checked me in. And when he came back over to the chairs he had this little smirk on his face. And if you know my husband smirks are pretty frequent but they usually are followed by something pretty darn funny.
Me "What?" {knowing I might regret asking}
Hubs "Nothing." {smirk a little bigger}
Me "Come on, just tell me." {talking about setting myself up}
Hubs "Can you please tell the dr when he asks what wrong..."
{OH what the hell is he about to say...}
Hubs "that you have the squirts?!"
{at the mere utter of the word squirts he is now about to giggle like a 5 yr old school boy}
Me "Um NO!!!" {I could have thrown something at him if I had the strength.}
Hubs "OH come on, I dare you. $100 bucks to tell him you have the hersey squirts"
Then my name was called.

For the record I did not tell the dr I had any form of the squirts. And I look back at the conversation now and snort laugh. Honestly I mean did he really dare me to say that?! I love him.

Oh and take my advice GO read this blog post. I LAUGHED SO HARD!!!


  1. glad you are feeling better, the pics of your kids are precious!

  2. $100 would have been worth it in my book! ANd that link was high-larious!

  3. my husband's family call "the squirts" the "rootie kazooties." oh wow.

    glad you're feeling better. thanks for the laugh today.


  4. $100! You should have gone for it! You'll never see that doc again. LOL! Next time "Double Dog" your hub to do something! ;) Looking forward to that story.

  5. i read that chicken story earlier and it.was.hilarious.

    love it!

  6. Bahaha! Oh man, that is really, really funny. Did his little bit of comic relief help at all? So glad he decided to stay home and that you are back to yourself, sans squirts. (I couldn't help it.)

  7. for $100 I might have gone for it... but then I know that he would have turned to me and asked for $100. glad youre better... btw that other blog post had me laughing my ass off!

  8. love the outline project...cute!

    glad you got help and the dare totally cracks me up! might have been more appealing if he was offering you money not already in your bank account right (downside of betting with your spouse)? :-)

  9. Glad you're feeling better and able to laugh about it. Also, I laughed my butt off at the chicken post...thanks for my co-workers think I'm crazy. Wonder if I should bring Beyoncé to work with me?

  10. "Hershey squirts" hahaha too funny. I love the pictures! Especially the one with two binkies in his mouth. Cute!

  11. Just digging in from Lillypie. I married an 8th grader (in maturity) and he laughs at all this stuff. I understand the frustration and the later almost giggle. HA. Can't wait to see more. And I LOVE your photography! SO crisp and clean!

  12. hello from lilly pie! Love the blog!

  13. Wow its late and I am laughing with tears streaming down my face at your post...and your hubs! Yours & Mine are a lot a like! He pulls those pranks all the time and if I ignore it I am pretty safe, but some days he comes up with some dooseys! His favorite story of late is that last Christmas time we were at Costco and we saw wrapping paper that said HO-HO-HO on it to which my husband says loud enough for the nice elderly lady to hear "Oh look honey, this paper has your name on it!" I turned bright red, laughed and then and walked away, but not before that lovely lady told him that he shouldn't be so "fresh" to his wife...haha! It's a good thing for him I love that man ;)


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