Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What we ate Wednesday. {Grilled Steak Pitas and Edamame Succotash}

Let me start off by saying sorry for the lack of prep pics this week.
We had a meeting at our house while I was making dinner, so for Hubs sake and to not totally
embarrass him, no prep pics this week.

Today I am sharing grilled steak pitas and edamame succotash {I *heart* saying succotash}
Scroll down for the recipes...

Grilled Steak Pitas:
What you will need.
- steak {I used strips}
- pitas
- red onion
- spinach
- 3 tsp horseradish sauce
- 2 tsp of lemon juice
- 2 tsp mayo
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- salt & pepper
- olive oil

- Season steaks with a little salt and pepper. Thickly slice the red onion, put olive oil on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Grill steak and onion until desired doneness.
- While the steak and onion are cooking, take the horseradish, mayo, sour cream, and lemon and mix in a bowl. Add salt to taste.
- If you would like grill you pitas, I recommended it, yum.
- Thinly slice steak, spread the horseradish sauce on the inside of the pita, place some spinach inside, steak and top with onions. And dollop some more sauce onto.

Edamame Succotash
What you need:
- 2 cups of edamame
- 4 ear of cooked corn removed from the cob
- 2 cups of lightly cooked asparagus {cut into bite size pieces}
- 2 tbsp diced red onion
- a bunch of basil cut into strips
- 3 tbsp lemon
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- salt
- scallion to taste

- Mix everything in a bowl, salt to your desire. Serve chilled and top with some cut scallion.

I hope you enjoy these as much as we did, prefect summertime dinner.
So lets see what you been up too.


  1. YUMMY this looks so good!!! I think I will make this for dinner!!

  2. Okay, that meal looks amazing! Showing it to my amazing cook of a husband because if I tried to make it it would be bad.

  3. Seriously you make the most delicious looking food!! Next time we hang you are totally cooking, LOL!! XOXO!

  4. That looks delicious and perfectly summery. Definitely a must try.

  5. Yum! We have some leftover beef for tonight's dinner..may have to make this to use it up with! I've just started following your blog..i'm so glad I found it!! x

  6. Oh Amy, how I love thee =). This looks so Yummy and Super Easy!! Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to make/try this dinner!!

    What is the Sour Cream measurement? A 1/4 what?

  7. Looks amazing! This one is going in the recipe to do box!!!

  8. I love that word too... succotash. It is 7 am and I want steak!

  9. We have tried all of your recipes. They are so delish and totally doable. Thanks for sharing.


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