Thursday, May 26, 2011

Embrace the Camera May 26th {Buggie Date}

Welcome fellow "Em"bracers {get it, Em Emily, dork I know}
Honor once again to host Embrace the Camera.
My pictures this week remind me of why Emily started the Embrace the Camera moment.
GET YOURSELF IN PICTURES and create memories.

A few Embrace weeks ago, I talked about how important it is to have date nights with your significant others. Today I want to talk about how important it is to have dates with your kids.
Last week Hubs and I planned a secret. We called my MIL to come over to watch the Bean. And during pizza, we told her that we were taking her, no baby brother, to Disney for the evening.
This is her reaction...

After a quick potty break, grabbed some PJ's for the car ride home, and we were off!
No diaper bag {actually no bags at all!} and no stroller. Just the three of us.

When she was born she made my heart hurt from the love that filled it. And I still wonder how it holds it all.

We rode rides. Her favorite is the race cars.

It was a special time. A time she needed with just her Momma and Dadda.

We top our night off with ice cream and fireworks.

Perfect in so many ways.

Now are you ready to link up?!
Make sure to hop over and grab Em's button.
Remember these simple rules:
1. take a picture with you and your kids/spouse/family member/friend/whatever.
2. blog about that picture and include a link to our blog, or grab our button.
3. link your blog post up on mr. linky below.
4. visit the other embracers...give each other lots of compliments about how good we look with our greasy hair andsweatpants velour jogging suits on. cause yah, we need a little boost when it's been days since our last shower.
5. have fun!

don't forget to link your embrace the camera post, not just your blog.
this is really important---and really easy.


  1. Thanks for hosting for Em! I am your newest follower. :)

  2. Love these pictures!! Your blog is so great!!

  3. Her face is PRICELESS. That must have been so fun for her. I love all of these! (and whoa. she's your mini me!)

  4. Awesome pictures! And what a special day for her! One I'm sure she will never forget!

  5. Love those pictures. What a great time for you and your little girl. I've been thinking about doing something like this with my oldest. Thanks for the push to do so.

  6. This is great! I'm visiting from Emily's blog - though I sadly don't have a photo for today, maybe I'll take one tonight - I wanted to say that it's insane how much your daughter looks like you! I'm running back to the archives to check out more of your blog!! : ) Thanks for hosting!

  7. I love these pictures!! It looks like you guys are having so much fun!

  8. This made me tear up! So sweet. Definitely a memory your daughter will remember and cherish!!

  9. How wonderful to be able to go to Disney World for the evening! That is truly magical, and I am sure a moment that you will all cherish forever! I am a new visiter - nice to see you!

  10. So fun. and so awesome that you live close enough to disney to do that. Definitely a memory she will have forever :)

  11. what a lovely gift for your little girl. Mommy and Daddy dates are important. You are all so cute!!

  12. I have loved your blog ever since I started doing embrace! Your kiddos are so darn adorable....and I love instagram! It makes Disney World look whimsical!!

  13. i mentioned this once on Emily's blog when I saw a picture of you... but you look like you could be Ashley Ann's (under the sycamore) sister!! Crazy stuff. Fun family date night. She will remember and appreciate that forever!! - Sarah

  14. Your post brought tears to my eyes. It really got me when you said you heart hurt from all the love that filled it. It so true! What a wonderful night at a magical place!

  15. Love the picture of her finding out!! Looks like a blast!! Love the idea of taking them on a date each... storing it in my "mommy bank" for when we add another sprout to the mix ;)

  16. The heaven for children. Those are some sweeet shots! Beautiful family!

  17. LOVE her joy! Love this post.

  18. I just love Disneyland! Looks like a great day ;)

  19. BEST "Date Night" Ever!! A memory she will always treasure.

  20. what a great surprise! her reaction is priceless. it must be wonderful to be so close to disney world. and yes, dates are sooo important and meaningful.

  21. what a great post!! can you believe it has been 1 year of embrace the camera?!?! wow! and thanks to you for introducing me to em:)

  22. I love this post! It makes me remember how important it is to have one on one time with our kiddos! Thank you for sharing! I am your newest follower!!

  23. So cute! She looks JUST like you! :)

  24. Oh and I just linked up! For the first time ever! Exciting!!!

  25. Magical pictures, as anything at Disney should be!! Loved the fireworks, the daddy and daughter holding hands and the picture of you that looks like you have three pink baubles popping out of your hair. Your lil miss has the Mickey ears and looks lik you had on one of those headbands with the balls on springs but with THREE! but No! pink trees! love it!!!

  26. hi, first time visitor here! these pics are great and i looove love love your masthead. such cute kids! : )

    nice meeting you.


  27. I love this post! I'm sure she was so excited to spend time with you both, all to herself. And in Disneyland, of all places! Cute! :)

  28. Hi Amy! To answer your question, what makes you think I do get anything done with my angel baby to play with?! :-) I love your pictures from Disney, such an amazing memory! (we call our baby Bug, too!) Thanks for hosting! I will be praying for Emily.

  29. So fun! I'm so jealous you live close enough to take those kinds of trips!! ;)

  30. How fun! Love the pure joy on her face when she found out :). Dates are so important...and you just reminded me that we are due for one for each child! Thanks for continuing Embrace for Emily. Praying she feels better real soon.


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