Wednesday, May 4, 2011

And the votes are in.

And I was honored to be sandwiched between The Vintage Pearl and Lil Blue Boo.
Could a girl ask for a nicer sandwich to be a part of?
So when I first got the email from Circle of Moms saying I was nominated I was SO excited. Then I saw what category it was, and I will be honest the wind was sucked out of my sails. Yes I have a little shop on Etsy. But the ladies I was nominated with are legit business ladies. Like store fronts, employees, ads in national magazines, legit businesses. With that said I am BEYOND honored to make the top three. I want to thank you for voting. And I know I HUGE thank is due to my family and friends who took time everyday to vote for me and also shared on FB. Everyday I logged in and saw the link being shared and all those comments from people I did not know saying they had voted for me, made me feel so supported and loved.
Thank you this was an amazing experience for me.
The list that came together from this voting is a great source for Mom owned shop/blogs,
I highly recommended checking it out.

As far as my shop, after this week I am planning on working hard to add new items. I will keep you posted.


  1. congrats, friend! so excited for you!! :)

  2. EEE YAY!!!! Congrats my friend!!! So well deserved!!!
    Hoep you did a happy dance.

  3. congrats!! super fun and great exposure! :)


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