Monday, April 25, 2011

A mini "Bacation"

One great thing about living in Orlando is the fact that we have a ton of great hotels within 20 mins from our house.
Which makes the perfect mini "bacation" {Buggism}.
Hubs hotel points+Buggies b-day coming up=perfect time.
So we did some pool time.

With yummy strawberry daiquiris.

Warmin up in the sun after our strawberry daiquiris.

Big hotels with BIG empty hallways make for the best hotel exploring aka getting the extra
strawberry daiquiri energy out.

{did you catch that Sisty at the beginning, it melts my heart}

The next day we headed over to Disney.

Where we surprised Buggie with a princess makeover for her 5th birthday present.

And that was just Friday and Saturday, with Easter on Sunday we had a FULL
It was perfect.

This is my first week sharing on Life Made Lovely.
Yippe for sharing what's good and happy in our lives.


I am going to in and out this week.
SO much to do to prep for Buggie party this weekend :)


  1. how fun!!! i would love to live close enough to somewhere special to have a "bacation" ; )

  2. Looks like you all had fun! :)

    I'm in Orlando too! Actually, hubby and I were just talking about this. It is one of the best things about being in Orlando. We do not have a pool and whenever the mood strikes us to go swimming, we're 45 mins from the beach or about 30 mins away from the best hotels with fabulous pools. :) During Christmastime it also becomes an outing for us as we visit certain hotels to snap photos and enjoy the decorations.

  3. sweet! :) Looks like so much fun!

  4. looks so fun! i bet she flipped out over the princess makeover...

  5. what a fun trip. makes me a bit green with envy, but so glad you had a great time :)


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