Friday, March 11, 2011

Randomness at its finest.

Did you hear Starbucks has cake pops?

Just so happens the day I heard this,
I HAD to go to Target and HAD to stop by the Starbucks inside and HAD to try them.

They are delish.
Or at least the flav we got, birthday cake.

I love working with my friends.
Leonora from Yellow Heart Art has new line of party printables
and she was looking for some pics of them in use.
And of course I was SO game to help her out.

Aren't they pretty?
{I am addicted to spray painting mason jars}

This was my favorite.
I love how the buttery lemon cake looks with her sweet flags.

Oh and get this she made the most ADORABLE free St. Patty's Day tags.
Happy downloading.

Lastly I leave you with this.
We dance a lot in this house.
We have to burn our saturday morning pancakes off somehow.
And here is Bean doing the Beibs.

Happy weekend.

Oh wait one more thing.
Thanks to these scoundrels Leonora, Lindsay, and Danielle,
I am now on Twitter.
Can someone please stop the madness.
Heads up I have NO clue what I am doing on there.
So if you want a good reason to laugh at me, start following, I am bound to
make a damn fool of myself.


  1. im dying to try them but i was too embarassed to get one at 8 am!! theyre free after 2 pm with an order of a drink!!

  2. Cake on a stick.
    Help me.
    I gave up sweets for Lent. I can do this.

  3. gorgeous! love, love, love me some mason jars!

  4. i need to head to starbucks and try those cake pops right away!! yum!! and i love the pick w/ the paper straws, yellow heart art has some rad designs and she is awesome too!! p.s. just started following your blog and twitter!!

  5. I gave up Starbucks for Lent! These delicious babies will have to wait 40 days for me to bite, but I promise you I will bite! Their vanilla bean scones sends me in a frenzy, so I can only imagine what these will do.



Don't be shy. I don't bite. Write something you know you want to...