Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mom in the shot Mar 30th {self shot}

Momma got a new shirt.
It came to live with me from Target.
It was a mere $14.99
Zipper up the back makes it cheeky.
Purple just happens to be my favorite color.

So I ask, what's not to love?

You know the drill.
I link with Em.

Ending with a Happy Birthday shout out to Lindsay from Paint Me a Picture.
Can not wait to have a birthday drink with you next week!
Shenanigans will ensue, this is for sure.


  1. Oh, how I love Target! Such a cute shirt, and such a pretty picture of you!
    Also, I'm trying really hard not to be jealous that you & Lindsay get to hang out next week. Hope you ladies have a great time!

  2. sigh. Target got me this week too. Not that I mind though... :)

  3. Pure shopping awesomeness :) You look fabulous!

  4. Love the photos and the blog! I've seen your wreaths before on etsy and love them! Didn't know you had a blog until I stumbled across it today from the Anderson crew:)

  5. what a cute top! I love your hair too!

  6. so cute! you look so springy and pretty!

  7. ummm more like hot-mama in the shot. supah cute. i'm stealing it kay? kay.

  8. H.O.T.T. Momma!!! LOVE it!!! Work it girl!

  9. zipper in the back?! scandalous! actually, i'm going to shorten in and say this with a british accent..."scandi!"

  10. can't wait for our blogger par-tay next week :)


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