Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mom in the shot Mar 17th {Back to the Future}

Traditions rock.
I love them.
I love following them and creating new ones.

Here I am at Epcot with my little peeps.

{Bean has the eye lock on Donald}

And here I am again some 26 years earlier.
{on the far right, the LAST time you will ever see me with bangs}
These little peeps are my cousins.

This picture cracks me up.
Look at those skinny boney legs.

I link with Em on Thursdays you should too!

I just wanted to give you all a heads up that tomorrow my blog will be silent.
Silent to honor those affected by the disaster in Japan.
If you would like to donate to help those who need it the most,
please click here.


  1. Love the first are all so cute! I had bangs as a kid too and will never have them again...oh the 80's and 90's, yuck! :o)

  2. HA! I love the old school pic ~ bangs and all! Traditions are the best :)

  3. Love it! Cant wait to take my lil one to the most magical place on Earth :)

  4. Ohhhhh EPCOT! My true favorite. The pics are fabulous! With Joy, Carey

  5. wow! buggie looks just like you when you were younger. aww, i dream of the day we can go to such a place!

  6. I'm so confused.....who is front right? That's not Elizabeth, is it???

  7. love the flashback! And bangs ROCK!

  8. i love that you have both those pictures...such an awesome tradish.

  9. That is so great! lol I always say you gotta keep one eye on Donald. I don't think he can be trusted!

  10. How fun. It's crazy how much your daughter looks like you.

  11. how fun! traditions are GREAT!
    love the shot of you with your cousins!

  12. So much fun! It looks like your hair was straighter then, do you have a perm? (I ask because my hair used to be stick straight and got curly when I was a teen) :)

  13. OMG. you as a kid = avery.
    holy cow.

  14. you look great in both pictures!

  15. Both photos are great! :D The last time I had bangs was when I was 9. LOL!

    New follower of yours. :D Hope you can visit me back. :D

    Roller Coaster Ride


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